Spanish position words – Lesson 291


Spanish position words: vocabulary, sentences, examples

It’s been a while since I haven’t uploaded a new lesson. Instead, I had been compiling old lessons into videos in order to have the full course distributed among not so many videos.

This week I remembered we had done so little about Spanish position words. This is a relevant topic, because most of these words are commonly used in our everyday conversation. But when I come thing of it, there still are so many topics to cover! Well, today lets dedicate this lesson to Spanish position words. So, we’ll learn some vocabulary, examples on how to use this new vocab using simple sentences. And as usual I’ll try give you some more helpful tips. I hope you can find this class useful. And don’t forget to leave me a message in case you have any questions or doubts!

You can find a full list of all the video lessons by clicking on the List of Lessons tab on the Main Menu.

To enlarge the watch-screen, click on the right icon on the lower right corner of the video.


    • Hola José. Lo que pasa es que rompí algo en el sitio…. 😛 Creo que ya lo arreglé… o por lo menos lo esencial. Creo que ahora podrás seguir entrando a las clases igual que antes. Avísame si vuelve a aparecer algo raro que deba ser corregido. Mientras tanto, voy a continuar viendo qué ir corrigiendo.


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