Subjunctive Spanish put simple – Learn Spanish Lesson 305


Subjunctive Spanish


As I have mentioned before, Spanish language has many more conjugation tenses than English. And this include 4 very different and unique Spanish subjunctive tenses that are used in different situations. But the most used one by far is Presente del Modo Subjuntivo, or Present Subjunctive Mood.

In our present class, called Subjunctive Spanish, I will introduce you to a few very simple and typical everyday phrases that are in Subjunctive. Every Spanish speaker uses this tense many times every day, even without knowing that the Subjunctive tense is all about. But if you are learning Spanish and suddenly come across a Spanish phrase using Subjunctive Spanish, and you are not familiar with it, you can get confused.

In English we would just use the Simple Present tense in a specific context that would imply the Subjunctive Mood. But in Spanish the verb has it’s own unique and specific conjugation. Like in the following example:

Quiero que vengas – I want you to come

The verbs in the English sentence are in Simple Present tense or in the infinitive. So, there is nothing special to be unfamiliar with. However, in the sentence in Spanish, the verb “venir” (to come) is neither in the Simple Present, nor Past, nor Conditional, nor in any of the known tenses of the Indicative mood. It’s rather in what we call Present of the Subjunctive Mood (vengas).

You can find a full list of all the video lessons by clicking on the List of Lessons tab on the Main Menu.

Although we will be focusing more on Spanish words, pay attention to the Spanish pronunciation in the present video lesson, and remember to practice repeating the same words and sounds.

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  1. Hola

    Por favor quisiera aprender sobre las etapas del ser humano
    como infancia, niñez adolescente algo así…

    • OK, Maritza. Grabaré una clase sobre ese tema.
      Puedes preguntar a través del blog si quieres, como ahora. Pero suelo contestar más rápidamente los mensajes que me llegan a través de la página de YouTube. Porque allí es donde recibo la gran mayoría de los mensajes, y por ende los reviso con mucha frecuencia.

    • Hola Marcela. A cuáles emails te refieres? Acabo de buscarte en la base de datos con tu email, pero no te encontré como usuario registrado. Avísame si necesitas ayuda para registrarte y así dar las pruebas, que ayudarán para ejercitarte y poner en uso lo que vamos estudiando en las clases.

      La presente publicación ( Subjunctive Spanish put simple ) es parte del curso de castellano para angloparlantes. Igual, a muchos de mis estudiantes de inglés les gusta seguir estas clases para practicar la parte auditiva.



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