Ejercicios de Ingles de la Clase Nro. 54


Ejercicios online interactivos basados en la Clase de Ingles Nro. 54 (Los Días de la Semana en Inglés y su Correspondencia Planetaria): https://youtu.be/nmk6MDrCqvE

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1. Select the answer with the correct order for the days of the week:
(Selecciona la respuesta con el orden correcto para los días de la semana)


2. Select all the weekdays that have a typo (Selecciona todos los días de la semana que tengan un error ortográfico):


typo = error ortográfico
weekday = día de la semana


3. Write down the day of week that comes after Tuesday:


that comes = que viene
after = después

4. Write down the day of week that comes before Saturday:


that comes = que viene
before = antes

5. Write down the day of week that comes three days before Tuesday:


three days before = tres días antes

6. Translate the following sentence into English:

Mañana será miércoles.

7. Translate the following sentence into English:

Ayer fue martes.

8. Translate the following sentence into English:

Hoy es jueves.

9. What is the name of the planet that is related with Tuesday?


related with = relacionado con
that is = que está


10. What is the name of the planet that is related with Wednesday?


related with = relacionado con
that is = que está


11. What is the name of the planet that is related with Friday?


related with = relacionado con
that is = que está



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