Free Spanish Lessons 147 – Spanish Subjunctive tense: Pret. Imperfecto – Videos 1 and 2


Spanish lesson #147: Today we will begin learning the Spanish Subjunctive Tenses, or Subjunctive conjugation. In this lessons we’ll see the Pretérito Imperfecto del Modo Subjuntivo. Pretérito Indefinido and Pretérito Imperfecto correspond to the English Simple Past. However, the second (Pret. Imperfecto) is used to express things that we used to do, or things that we were doing until recently. The first one is simply used to express indistinctly things that happened in the past, but mainly in a more remote time.

Ex: El jefe necesitaría que hablases alemán (The boss would need you to speak German).

In the example above, both verbs “necesitaría” and “hablases” are in Pret. Imperfecto del Modo Subjuntivo.

This is the eighteenth of a series of 22 lessons dedicated to teaching all the 22 different conjugation forms in Spanish, and I will teach you the rules for conjugating all the regular verbs that belong to each of the three different groups of Spanish verbs: The verbs that end in -AR, the verbs that end in -ER, and the verbs that end in -IR.

You can see a full list of all the video lessons by clicking on the “List of Lessons” tab on the Main Menu.

Although we will be focussing more on vocabulary and grammar, pay attention to the Spanish pronunciation in these video lessons, and remember to practice repeating the same words and sounds.

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