Free Spanish Lessons 96 – Adverb adjective DEMASIADO (too) – Sentences


Spanish lesson #96: Today we will practice doing sentences using the Spanish adverb adjective DEMASIADO (too) that we learned in our last class. As we have mentioned, this adverb adjective is used for saying: “too much”, “too little”, “too many”, etc. We’ll see some examples and sentences using it.

Although we are focussing more on vocabulary and grammar, pay attention to the Spanish pronunciation in these video lessons, and remember to practice repeating the same words and sounds.

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  1. Thank you very much for posting these lessons. They are a great help to me. However, in this lesson (#96), I do not understand why in the sentence:
    Allí hay demasiado poca agua. There there is too little water.
    The “poco” changes its ending to agree with “agua”, but the “demasiado” does not – especially since in the other examples below, it does:
    Hay demasiadas pocas cosas adentro de la caja. There are too few things inside (of) the box.
    Todavía hay demasiadas pocas personas en la fiesta. Still there are too few persons in the party.
    Aún hay demasiados pocos invitados en la fiesta. Still there are too few guests in the party.
    Can you please explain the difference?


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