How to learn Spanish – Welcome video


How to learn Spanish using ONLY free resources: video-lessons, Q&A, Outstanding Spanish Quizzes


Hi. Were you wondering how to learn Spanish REALLY totally FREE (no joke!)? And at the same time have the chance to  test your learning through some really amazing Spanish Quizzes?

In this video I want to welcome everybody to our online lessons.

This course was created originally as something aimed to relatives and friends. Really really experimental. Therefore I apologize for the lack of proper editing, poor video-skills, and feeling a bit awkward the first lessons.

I was super amazed, though, to realize the success this was having, and finally decided to take it more serious (while still making all the resources TOTALLY FREE for everyone.

Thousands of engaged students made me reach to the conclusion that despite the poor-filming skills, the content must be really good.

In time I began to add some great Spanish Tests of which I have to admit I am quite proud of.

I’d like to invite you to attend these humble but powerful Spanish lessons if you are looking for a place to learn or improve you Spanish. And remember, if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to posting them or emailing me.

Welcome and good luck!



  1. actually i love your style in teaching spanish but i have a Q and i hope to help me
    what is the best method to learn spanish in ashort time , i have the time to study spanishfor 8 hours per day so how can i arrange my lessons .


  2. I have gone through spanish lesson number 1 and I must say you are an amazing teacher. For someone like me who is from an English speaking country to find it easy to understand your class, that goes to show how good you are in teaching. Thanks for your good work and I love you

    • Hi Dora. Thanks for your kind feedback. I was traveling and I couldn’t reply earlier. I’m just catching up with the accumulated messages.
      On this website you will find all my Spanish lessons in order. And also the tests and quizzes. I recommend you do both. Because practice is fundamental to reaffirm what you learn.
      Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions throughout the lessons.


  3. Hello,
    just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your lessos.
    Your teaching style is great.
    keep up the good work
    you are the best teacher


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