Lesson 32: Countable and Uncountable in Spanish (Videos 1&2)


Countable and Uncountable in Spanish

Spanish adverbs MUCHO & MUCHOS


In English we use the word “many” for a countable noun and “plenty” for an uncountable noun. In Spanish we use muchos/muchas for countable and “mucho/mucha” for uncountable. The ending letters may vary depending on whether the noun is masculine of feminine.

The same thing happens with the Spanish adverbs that correspond to the English “little” and “few”: POCO/A and POCOS/AS.

In this lesson I will give you some few simple examples that will help you understand the difference between the two. You will learn when you have to use one or the other.

Needless to say:

  • whenever the ending of these Spanish adverbs is “o”, it is referring to a masculine-singular noun
  • whenever the ending of these Spanish adverbs is “a”, it is referring to a feminine-singular noun
  • whenever the ending of these Spanish adverbs is “os”, it is referring to a masculine-plural noun
  • whenever the ending of these Spanish adverbs is “as”, it is referring to a feminine-plural noun


Spanish sentences using MUCHO/A (plenty of)


  • mucho calor – very hot (lit.: plenty of hot)
  • mucha agua – plenty of water
  • mucho frío – very cold (lit.: plenty of cold)
  • mucho fuego – a lot of fire (lit.: plenty of fire)
  • mucha audacia – a lot of audacity (lit.: plenty of audacity)
  • mucho estilo – plenty of style
  • mucho dolor – a lot of pain (lit.: plenty of pain)
  • mucha alegría – plenty of joy


Spanish sentences using MUCHOS/AS (many)


  • muchos niños – many boys / many children
  • muchas niñas – many girls
  • muchos juegos – many games
  • muchas risas – many laughters
  • muchos autos – many cars
  • muchas personas – many people / many persons
  • muchos días – many days
  • muchas cosas – many things


I recommend all my students that follow my online courses to do the exams that I upload to my website. The topic of this lesson (Countable and uncountable in Spanish: Spanish adverbs MUCHO & MUCHOS) is included in Spanish Quiz Nbr. 5 (lessons 27 – 34).

You can find a full list of all the video lessons by clicking on the List of Lessons tab on the Main Menu.

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