LO in Spanish explained simple – What is LO & how tu use it



Meaning of the word “LO”

LO” is the Spanish equivalent to the English pronoun “it”, but only when it is located in the predicate of the sentence.

When the subject pronoun “it” is positioned in the subject of the phrase, it is NEVER translated as “LO“. Instead, you would use “él” or “ella” in Spanish (he/she respectively). Because the subject pronoun “it” doesn’t exist in Spanish. Although actually, when we refer to an “it” (not a person), in Spanish we omit the subject. We call this “sujeto omitido“. There is a subject, but it is implicit and not explicit. The verbs in Spanish are rich enough to convey enough information to know whether the subject is the 1st person in the singular, or the 2nd, or the 3rd, etc.

For example:

  • It is raining = Está lloviendo.
  • It is blue = Es azul.
  • That is blue = Eso es azul.
  • Fix it = Arréglalo.
  • Share it with your friends = Compártelo con tus amigos

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