Learn Spanish grammar: Spanish accent rules (Reglas de los tildes explicadas en inglés)

Spanish accent rules with clear examples and rules of hiatus and diphthongs in Spanish
Spanish accent rules with clear examples and rules of hiatus and diphthongs in Spanish

Spanish accent rules, Spanish pronunciation, Spanish grammar, Spanish hiatus and diphthongs, and several examples

The 4 Spanish accent rules explained in English with examples


For non-native Spanish speakers, as well as for most natives, Spanish accent rules are a mystery. Most of the times they use them intuitively. This is exactly the same as doing it wrong almost every time (wrong by action or by omission). A word can have different meanings depending on whether it carries the “tilde” or not. Therefore it is important to know when and how these Spanish accents should be used and when not.

In the present video I have compiled a series of 6 Spanish lessons dedicated to all that you need to know in order to learn how and when to use the Spanish accent correctly. This includes the 4 different rules of the Spanish accent; what are hiatus and diphthongs in Spanish and how do they work; and several examples that will help you see and understand all that we have explained on the videos.


The 4 Spanish accent rules can be resumed as follows:


  • Regla 1: Palabras agudas, graves y esdrújulas
  • Regla 2: hiatos
  • Regla 3: Palabras interrogativas y exclamativas
  • Regla 4: Palabra monosilábicas


This video will explain each one of these rules for you to be able to determine in the future whether a Spanish word should carry a “tilde” or not. And once you have learned it you will have an advantage over maybe 99% of native Spanish speakers.

You can find a full list of all the video lessons by clicking on the List of Lessons tab on the Main Menu.

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