Spanish pronunciation tip: Quick note on how to pronounce the Spanish G


I recently replied a question from one of my Spanish students. I wanted to share this short explanation with the community:

Eda was confused regarding the correct pronunciation of the letter G in Spanish. Here is my quick answer, which may be helpful to a few other students:

How the letter G works in Spanish is not so different from English.

WIth A, O and U the G is pronounced as in GOLF. And with E and I as in GINGER. Only that instead the Spanish Ge and Gi sounds like a rough H. For example, GINGER read in Spanish would be something like HEEN-HER. But with a very rough H, unlike the smooth English exhalation. Spanish shares that rough H sound with Hebrew and Arabic.


In short:


  • GA GO GU – hard G

  • GE GI – rough G (pronounced like a very rough English “H”)


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