Learn Spanish & practice: Spanish Quiz 1 (New beginning)

Spanish Quiz 1: Lessons 1 - 15
Test your Spanish skills

Reference Video:

The present test includes 38 questions; and it is based on all the topics covered in the new Beginning for you Free Spanish Course (Renewed lessons Nbr. 1 – 15): https://youtu.be/aFoSOVva3nY

Spanish lessons included in the source video:

Lesson 1: Spanish alphabet + Spanish pronunciation
Lesson 2: Spanish Alphabet + Spanish phonetics (Cont.)
Lesson 3: Spanish alphabet & Spanish learning tips (More phonetics)
Lesson 4: More Spanish pronunciation tips
Lesson 5: Spanish Subject Pronouns & Pronunciation
Lesson 6: Spanish Pronouns – Tips and Insights
Lesson 7: The most used Spanish verbs SER ESTAR HABER TENER
Lesson 8: Countable and Uncountable in Spanish
Lesson 9: Spanish question words
Lesson 10: When to use SER & ESTAR
Lesson 11: Top 10 Spanish verbs & WHY they are fundamental
Lesson 12: Vosotros Vs Ustedes Tu Vs Usted
Lesson 13: Spanish superlatives – Spanish comparatives – Spanish diminutives
Lesson 14: The Numbers in Spanish
Lesson 15: Huge figures in Spanish and common errors

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1. Which is the Spanish pronoun that is used for the 2nd person in the singular when we address somebody formally (you – formal)?

Please type in your one-word answer.

2. Which is the Spanish pronoun that is used in Spain for the 2nd person in the plural (you – plural)?

Please type in your one-word answer.

3. Based on what we learnt in the lesson Nbr. 12:

How do you say “You (plural) went” in Spanish from Spain?

Please type in your answer. You will have to use the Spanish verb “ir” (to go).

4. Based on what we learnt in the lesson Nbr. 12:

How do you say “You (plural) went” in Spanish from Latin-America?

Please type in your answer. You will have to use the Spanish verb “ir” (to go).

5. What is the Subject Pronouns you would use in Spanish to refer to a group of girls (they-feminine)?

Please type in your answer:

6. Select the missing word:

Yo _____ Carlos (I am Carlos).


7. Select the missing word:

Juan _____ muy feliz (Juan is very happy).


8. Select the missing word:

Ellos _____ en el museo (They are at/in the museum).


9. Select the missing word:

Mi padre _____ un coche nuevo (My father HAS a new car).

mi padre = my father
un coche = a car
nuevo = new


10. Select the missing word:

_____ mucho trabajo por hacer. (THERE IS plenty of work to do).

mucho = plenty of
trabajo = work
por hacer = to do


11. Select the missing word:

_________ ir a trabar (WE HAVE TO go to work).

ir = (to) go
a = to
trabajar = (to) work


12. Type in ONLY what is missing:

¿______ años tienes? (lit: How many years do you have?)
This is an informa way of asking somebody his age. It is very common with kids or among friends.

año(s) = year(s)
tienes = you have

13. Type in ONLY what is missing:

¿______ agua tienes aún? (How much water do you still have?)

agua = water
tienes = you have
aún = still

14. Type in ONLY what is missing:

Aún me quedan unas ______ botellas (I still have a few bottles left).

aún = still
me quedan = I still have left (lit: remain to me)
unas = a (plural-feminine)
botella(s) = bottle(s)

15. Type in ONLY what is missing:

Fui a la tienda y compre ______ de cosas (I went to the store and bought a lot/bunch of things).

fui = (I) went
a = to
la tienda = the store
y = and
compré = (I) bought
de = of
cosas = things

16. Type in ONLY what is missing:

No me queda ______ agua (I don’t have much water left).

quedar = to stay, to remain, to have left
No me queda = (I) don’t have left (lit: doesn’t remain to me)
agua = water

17. Select the missing word:

¿______ piensas viajar? (Where do you plan to travel to?).

piensas = you think / you plan
viajar = to travel


18. Type in what is missing:

¿______ es esta cosa? (What is this thing for?).

es = is
esta = this
cosa = thing

19. Type in what is missing:

¿______ vienen a la fiesta? (Who are coming to the party?).

vienen = are coming
a = to
la = the
fiesta = party

20. Select the missing verb:

______ que fuiste de compras (I see that you went shopping).

que = that
fuiste = (you) went
de compras = shopping


21. Select the missing verb:

______ que María estaba en casa descansando (I believe that María was at home resting).

que = that
estaba = was
en casa = at home
descansando = resting (the gerund in Spanish is formed with the ending ANDO or ENDO)


22. Select the missing verb:

¿______ ir contigo al cine? (Can I go with you to the cinema?).

ir = to go
contigo = with you
al (contraction “a el”) = to the
cine = cinema


23. Select the missing verb:

¿______ ir contigo al cine? (Can I go with you to the cinema?).

ir = to go
contigo = with you
al (contraction “a el”) = to the
cine = cinema


24. Select the missing verb:

______ bien aquí (I’m fine/alright here).

bien = well/fine/alright
aquí = here


25. Select the missing verb:

______ el terror que aletea en la noche (I am the terror that flaps in the night).
(Catchphrase from Darkwing Duck cartoon)

el terror = the terror
que = that
aletea = flaps
en la noche = in the night


26. Select the missing verb:

______ un coche nuevo (I want a new car).

un = a
coche = car
nuevo = new
(In Spanish we usually put the adjective AFTER the noun)


27. Comparative – Superlative:

Type-in what is missing:

Mi libro es _________ que el de Juan (Mi book is newer than Juan’s).

mi libro = my book
es = is
nuevo = new
que = than (comparative)
el de Juan = Juan’s (lit.: the (pronoun) of Juan)

28. Comparative – Superlative:

Type-in what is missing:

Este actor es _________ que aquél otro (This actor is more famous than that other one).

este actor = this actor
es = is
famoso = famous
que = than (comparative)
aquél = that one
otro = other
aquél otro = that other one

29. Comparative – Superlative:

Type-in what is missing:

Mi coche es _________ que el tuyo (My car is slower than yours).

mi = my
coche/carro/auto = car
es = is
lento = slow
que = than (comparative)
tuyo = yours
el tuyo = yours (EL refers to the car without mentioning it explicitly)

30. Comparative – Superlative:

Type-in what is missing:

Este perro es _________  (This dog is the loudest).

este = this
perro = dog
es = is
ruido = noise
ruidoso = loud

31. Comparative – Superlative:

Type-in what is missing:

Este alumno es _________  (This pupil is the least clever).

este = this
alumno/a = pupil
estudiante = student
es = is
inteligente = intelligent/clever

32. Comparative – Superlative:

Type-in what is missing:

Su casa es _________ de todas (His/her/their house/home is the least pretty of all).

su = his/her/its/their
casa = house/home
es = is
bonita/o = pretty
de todos/as = of all
de entre todos/as = among all

33. Rewrite the whole phrase in Spanish with the missing words (not numbers):

__________ es el doble de __________ (Fifty is twice as much as twenty five).

es = is
el = the
doble = double
de = of

34. Rewrite the whole phrase in Spanish with the missing words (not numbers):

__________ más ________ es  __________ (Seven plus four is fourteen).

más = more, plus
es = is

35. Rewrite the whole phrase in Spanish with the missing words (not numbers):

__________ menos ________ es  __________ (Eighteen minus five is thirteen).

menos = less, minus
es = is

36. Rewrite the whole phrase in Spanish with the missing words (not numbers):

__________ por ________ es  __________ (One hundred twenty times ten is one thousand two-hundred).

por = by, times
es = is

37. Rewrite the whole phrase in Spanish with the missing words (not numbers):

__________ por ________ es  __________ (Ten million times one hundred is one billion).

por = by, times
es = is

38. Rewrite the whole phrase in Spanish with the missing words (not numbers):

__________ dividido ________ es  __________ (One trillion divided by one thousand is one billion).

dividido = divided (by)
es = is


  1. You´re the best teacher, that´s super helpful for me, I´m beginning to learn spanish, your youtube channel help me a lot, and have lots of fun!


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