Spanish Quiz Nbr. 1 – Lessons 1 – 5


This quiz includes exercises from all the topics covered in our lessons 1 – 5 (or Compilation 1):

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Total amount of points: 55.

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1. Select the correct option:

Which sentence means “I am fine/well“.


2. Choose the correct answer:

Which sentence corresponds to “You are Carlos“?


3. Choose all the correct answers:

Which sentence/s means “You (pl.) are in trouble” .


4. Select all the correct answers:

Which words have the hard/rough/rolling sound of the “R“?


5. Select all the right answers:

Which words have a mute “U” (“u” isn’t pronounced)?


6. Select all the correct answers:

Mark all the words where letter “y” is pronounced the same as the Spanish “i“.


7. Write down “please” using only lower-case letters.

8. Using the formal “you”, which is the sentence that means “How are you?”


9. Using only lower-case letters write down “good evening / good night” in Spanish

10. Select all the small dialogs that have some segment that doesn’t make sense:


Spanish Quiz Nbr. 1 - Lessons 1 - 5 1 


  1. I did really bad with the questions having multiple answers and my spelling of good evening. I said Buenos noches. Am embarrassed ????

    • Don’t feel embarrassed. Very few people do well the first time. I am aware that the test isn’t easy, despite covering the topics that were taught in the videos. Don’t worry, and just take it as another chance to learn and improve 😉

  2. Great..Had to really think…..Got 43 out of 55. A spelling mistake (o instead of a)and mixing up the permanent and temporary verb To Be, let me down!! Thanks Rodrigo. Superb site

    • I got an 38 out of 55. I could have done a lot better… at least it says I am competent…I will do better on next quiz….
      I got some of the answers wrong for when the “U” is mute. I need more studies on how to know when the “U” is mute….. are you able to email me more information on that.? and…. in number 6, it is a little confusing to me… how is “y” pronounced like an “I” ? it’s more like an” E ” to me. like for instance ” Y TU”. i think i got it mixed up with English and Spanish…. Thanks for the class. I really got into it and was taking notes!!!
      I live in Miami which has many Latinos from all over the world and I need to practice to get better.. Thanks for the free lessons, I can not wait to start on the next lessons!


      • Hi,

        Thanks for your feedback.

        Regarding the mute “u”, I guess there is not much to say. Just let me put it briefly here:

        gue – gui – que – qui

        These are absolutely the only cases where you will find mute “u” in Spanish. Whatever word that included any one of these combinations of letter, has a muted “u”. For example: guinda (cherry), guerra (war), quemar (to burn), quizás (maybe).

        For “gue” and “gui”, if we want to un-mute the “u”, we have to add what we call “diéresis” on top of the “u”. Like this: ungüento (ointment), pingüino (penguin).

        Now comes the explanation why the “u” is muted in these cases: gue, gui, que, qui:

        que – qui: “Q” is a peculiar letter in Spanish, because it may ONLY be used in these 2 cases. There does not exist any other case of using the letter “Q” correctly except these two syllables.

        gue – gui: As I mentioned in the video-lessons, “G” has 2 different sounds (as well as in English). The “soft” sound and the “hard” sound. If “G” if followed by A, O, U, then it carries the “hard” sound. IF it is followed by E, I, then it carries the “soft” sound (same sound as the Spanish “J”, or like a very rough English “H”). However, what do we do if we want or need to pronounce the “hard” “G” sound together with the E or I sound? We must at a “U” in between. Thus we can have a “hard” G sound followed by E or I sound. And what to do if we want to pronounce a hard G, followed by a U sound, and followed by an E or I sound? Here we have to add the “diéresis” on top of the “U”, thus indicating that the “U” is un-muted. Like here: pingüino, ungüento, paragüitas, etc.

        In question Nbr. 6 I meant the Spanish “i”, not the English “i”. I am taking your observation into account to specify that explicitly in the question phrasing. I believe I assumed it was obvious and actually it was not so obvious. I was thinking with my “Spanish logic” 😀

        I have been to Miami in 2007. Just for the weekend. Beautiful city! I regret not having had time to go to the beach!

        Good luck!

  3. Hola: les felicito porque he aprendido cada dia un poco del idioma del ingles.
    Me gustaria que me aclararan ciertas dudas con el quiz, que saque mala puntuacion porque creo que interprete mal el idioma.
    El ejercisio #4 no especifica si la pronunciacion era en ingles o en espanol, porque esta escrito en ambos, me confundi?
    El ejersicio #6 no aclara que sea una traducion al espanol.
    El ejercisio #7 dice: escribe abajo “please” usando solo letras pequena no aclara que tradusca al espanol”please” . Traduje mal la oracion?
    El ejercisio #9 dice: solo usando letras pequenas “minusculas” escribe abajo”good evening/good night” en espanol, no dice el sinonimo de estas que aun asi creo que evening es tarde.
    por favor saqueme de dudas para seguir aprendiendo ingles, gracias!


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