Spanish Quiz Nbr. 1 – Lessons 1 – 5


This quiz includes exercises from all the topics covered in our lessons 1 – 5 (or Compilation 1):

You don’t need to register and login to do the test. Simply scroll-down and you will find the test. But if you do, you will receive a copy of the result and correction in your email. This could prove useful for future reference.

If you already registered and want to login, simply click on the LOGIN link, and enter your user/password.

If you still don’t have an account, but would like to register, please follow the following steps:

  1. Click on the link that says REGISTER.
  2. In the Registration window that will load, enter the your e-mail address and USER ID that you choose. Then click SUBMIT.
  3. After a few seconds you should receive an e-mail your inbox. If it contains the new password (assigned by the system), then go ahead and either follow the steps to change it or LOGIN.
  4. If you don’t find the e-mail in your Inbox, please check in your SPAM or Junk box. It may happen that the e-mail is filtered into those folders.
  5. If in the e-mail, instead of receiving the PSW, you received a link, go to that link and setup your own password. Then go back to the Spanish Quiz page and LOGIN.

Total amount of points: 55.

Please enter your email:

1. Select the correct option:

Which sentence means “I am fine/well“.


2. Choose the correct answer:

Which sentence corresponds to “You are Carlos“?


3. Choose all the correct answers:

Which sentence/s means “You (pl.) are in trouble” .


4. Select all the correct answers:

Which words have the hard/rough/rolling sound of the “R“?


5. Select all the right answers:

Which words have a mute “U” (“u” isn’t pronounced)?


6. Select all the correct answers:

Mark all the words where letter “y” is pronounced the same as the Spanish “i“.


7. Write down “please” using only lower-case letters.

8. Using the formal “you”, which is the sentence that means “How are you?”


9. Using only lower-case letters write down “good evening / good night” in Spanish

10. Select all the small dialogs that have some segment that doesn’t make sense:


Spanish Quiz Nbr. 1 - Lessons 1 - 5 1 


  1. First of all i really enjoy your lesson…
    heads of to you sir,you are doing a great job,and huge service to so many of your students.
    i loved it.

  2. thank you rodrigo …
    but i didn’t know my score in the exam ..
    please how can i receive my score ,,
    thank you very much for your great help

    • Hi Jameel. I just too a look at your result of the Spanish Quiz Nbr. 1. You did well: 36 points out of 55. My Spanish Quizzes are not so easy, because I have designed them to push my students to put into practice what they have learnt. And most of them fail the Spanish Quiz at the first try. So, congratulations for the achievement!

      I have just forwarded the result to your email. If you cannot find it, please check in your Spam folder, in case it was wrongly filtered.

  3. Thank you very much for creating this series, I am at the early stages (and need revision if my scores in tests are an indicator!), but I find it an excellent course, well thought out and well laid out.
    Thanks for all the effort you have clearly put into this. A real public service.

    • Hi Macarena,
      Thanks for your feedback. I’m glad you are finding the course helpful. Don’t stop practicing and doing the test. I insist so much on this, because it’s more comfortable to just leave the video-lessons playing, go through them all, and fine. But without some practice, you never get the same result. With each Spanish Quiz you do you will be accelerating your learning and improving your skills.

      All the best!

    • Hi Anil. I have tried logging in with another user, and also using another browser. Still, I cannot replicate this issue on my side. I always go to Spanish Quiz Nbr. 2 when ever I click on Spanish Quiz 2. And btw, no other user has complained so far about the same issue. So, my suspicion is: maybe your browser has cached some bad page. I have cleared all page-cache from the server-side. Perhaps if this time you try to login using a different browser (if not computer) than before, you wont have the same problem again. Can you check?

    • Hola Jenny:

      Primero que nada, esta prueba que completaste (Spanish Quiz Nbr. 1) es una prueba de español para angloparlantes. Puedes hacer todas las pruebas que desees. Pero las de inglés para hispanohablantes están el la sección “Pruebas de Ingles”. Supongo que ya lo sabes, pero por las dudas lo menciono igual.

      Por eso, en la 7 se esperaba que el estudiante escribiera “please” en español. Es decir, “por favor”. Por eso lo contó como mal, porque escribiste “please”.

      La 9 era simplemente “buenas noches”. “Good evening” y “good night” son dos formas de decir “buenas noches” en inglés. Si vamos simplemente a saludar decimos “good evening”, y si vamos a despedirnos de alguien que se va a dormir (o nosotros nos vamos a dormir) decimos “good night”. La frase en inglés para “buenas tardes” es “good afternoon”.



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