Spanish Quiz Nbr. 1 – Lessons 1 – 5


This quiz includes exercises from all the topics covered in our lessons 1 – 5 (or Compilation 1):

You don’t need to register and login to do the test. Simply scroll-down and you will find the test. But if you do, you will receive a copy of the result and correction in your email. This could prove useful for future reference.

If you already registered and want to login, simply click on the LOGIN link, and enter your user/password.

If you still don’t have an account, but would like to register, please follow the following steps:

  1. Click on the link that says REGISTER.
  2. In the Registration window that will load, enter the your e-mail address and USER ID that you choose. Then click SUBMIT.
  3. After a few seconds you should receive an e-mail your inbox. If it contains the new password (assigned by the system), then go ahead and either follow the steps to change it or LOGIN.
  4. If you don’t find the e-mail in your Inbox, please check in your SPAM or Junk box. It may happen that the e-mail is filtered into those folders.
  5. If in the e-mail, instead of receiving the PSW, you received a link, go to that link and setup your own password. Then go back to the Spanish Quiz page and LOGIN.

Total amount of points: 55.

Please enter your email:

1. Select the correct option:

Which sentence means “I am fine/well“.


2. Choose the correct answer:

Which sentence corresponds to “You are Carlos“?


3. Choose all the correct answers:

Which sentence/s means “You (pl.) are in trouble” .


4. Select all the correct answers:

Which words have the hard/rough/rolling sound of the “R“?


5. Select all the right answers:

Which words have a mute “U” (“u” isn’t pronounced)?


6. Select all the correct answers:

Mark all the words where letter “y” is pronounced the same as the Spanish “i“.


7. Write down “please” using only lower-case letters.

8. Using the formal “you”, which is the sentence that means “How are you?”


9. Using only lower-case letters write down “good evening / good night” in Spanish

10. Select all the small dialogs that have some segment that doesn’t make sense:


Spanish Quiz Nbr. 1 - Lessons 1 - 5 1 


    • Spanish from Spain uses a different pronoun for the 2 person in the singular. And it also conjugates verbs differently for this pronoun. People in Latin-America with a very low education may have issues understanding that. But that would be dreadful, because those few nuances from Spanish from Spain should be taught in all Latin-American schools. Even if they prefer to speak their own way! Spanish from Spain and from whatever other Spanish speaking country should work everywhere. I’m shocked to read that it didn’t work! Nevertheless, I’m Latin-American, and in my lessons I teach Spanish with the Spanish nuances and with the Latin-American nuances. So you shouldn’t have trouble in any Spanish speaking country in the world.

      I’ve been around the world. Including Latin-America from North to South, and Spain. Spanish works everywhere, despite different accents and a regional preference for one or another word 😉

  1. Senor,
    The corrections for Quiz 1-5 numbers 5, and 6 do not match up. The email I received is different from online results. #5 online shows four possible answers and the email shows one. #6 online shows two possible answers and the email shows none.

    • Hello Margaret. I’m currently traveling. Right now I was going through some old unanswered messages, and I found this one. I think I had replied it, but I’m not sure. I see you are talking about an email with the corrections from the Spanish Quiz Nbr. 1. However, I should receive a copy of every test that is emailed to each student, and I cannot find any under you email address. Have you already been able to Login using this email? Do you still need any help or assistance from me? Please let me know and I’ll be glad to help.

  2. Great resource! Very thorough explanations. I will keep going and pay closer attention when I watch the videos. (I was working on a crochet project through the first ones. ha.) You are a great teacher.

    • The email address when you register is just so that you can receive by email a copy of every correction of every test and quiz you do. It’s in the student’s own interest. And I receive a copy of them as well. And when a student asks me to take a look at his/her test (exceptionally), I can find it thanks to the email address.

      What do you mean that I’m rejecting them? Can you please specify?

  3. Hola Rodrigo~
    So glad I came upon your videos! Your lessons are very thorough, however, I find it frustrating to listen through a long explanation of how to sound out all the words in a sentence, only to have you tell us in the end that there’s a SHORTER version of saying the same thing! For instance your explanation of how to ask someone for their email address. I think it would be more helpful to just give the short version from the beginning, since it would be less information to try to retain, and no one really uses the PROPER way of speaking anymore anyway.

    • Hello Jan. Thanks for your feedback. I made the many first video-lessons thinking of those who didn’t have any background whatsoever; and also thinking of adults that may not be so fast learning as younger students. But maybe I overdid it. I have received some other feedback similar to yours, and I know I is valid. I hope you can reach the more recent videos, and realize they have a faster pace.


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