Spanish words that start with Ñ: Spanish lesson 260


Spanish words that start with Ñ


Spanish words can be tough to learn if we intend to learn a huge list all at once. However, if we do one session per letter, and just learn the most relevant and useful Spanish words, then that is different.

There are not many Spanish words that begin with Ñ. However, we will continue going through the whole Spanish alphabet and learning the most important Spanish words that start with each letter. Although beginning with Ñ there is none really that relevant, at least lets go through a few, just so as not to skip this letter.


Spanish words that start with Ñ

La letra Ñ (the letter Ñ)


  • Nombres propios masculinos (male given names): None
  • Nombres propios femeninos (feminine given names): None
  • Animales (animals): ñandú (rhea)
  • Frutas y vegetales (fruits and vegetables): None
  • Adjetivos (adjectives): ñoño(dull, boring), ñato (small, flat nosed)
  • Adverbios (adverbs): None
  • Verbos regulares (regular verbs): ñatear (col.: to sniff), ñublar (to obscure), ñampearse (to drive oneself crazy)
  • Verbos irregulares (irregular verbs): None


If you’d like to jump on to the rest of letters of the Spanish alphabet, just clic on any of the links below:

  • Lesson 152: Spanish words that start with Letter A
  • Lesson 153 and Lesson 154: Common Spanish irregular verbs that begin with letter A
  • Lesson 155: Spanish vocabulary that starts with Letter B
  • Lesson 156: Common Spanish irregular verbs that begin with letter B
  • Lesson 162: Spanish words that start with Letter C
  • Lesson 163164 and 165: Common Spanish irregular verbs that begin with letter C
  • Lesson 173: Spanish vocabulary that begins with Letter D
  • Lesson 174175176 and 263: Common Spanish irregular verbs that begin with letter D
  • Lesson 187: Spanish words that start with Letter E
  • Lesson 188189 and 190: Common Spanish irregular verbs that begin with letter E
  • Lesson 196: Spanish vocabulary that begins with Letter F
  • Lesson 197 and 198: Common Spanish irregular verbs that begin with letter F
  • Lesson 203: Spanish words that start with Letter G
  • Lesson 204 and 205: Common Spanish irregular verbs that begin with letter G
  • Lesson 210: Spanish vocabulary that begins with Letter H
  • Lesson 211 and 212: Common Spanish irregular verbs that begin with letter H
  • Lesson 217: Spanish words that start with Letter I
  • Lesson 223: Spanish vocabulary that begins with Letter J
  • Lesson 224 and 225: Common Spanish irregular verbs that begin with letter J
  • Lesson 232: Spanish words that start with Letter K & L
  • Lesson 233: Common Spanish irregular verbs that begin with letter L
  • Lesson 240: Spanish vocabulary that start with Letter M
  • Lesson 241242 and 243: Common Spanish irregular verbs that begin with letter M
  • Lesson 250: Spanish words that start with Letter N
  • Lesson 251, 252, 253 and 254: Common Spanish irregular verbs that begin with letter N
  • Lesson 260: Spanish vocabulary that begins with Letter Ñ
  • Lesson 264: Spanish words that start with Letter O
  • Lesson 265, 266 and 267: Common Spanish irregular verbs that begin with letter O
  • Lesson 274: Spanish words that start with Letter P
  • Lesson 275 and 276: Common Spanish irregular verbs that begin with letter P
  • Lesson 285: Spanish vocabulary that begins with Letter Q
  • Lesson 286: Common Spanish irregular verbs that begin with letter Q
    (and more to come…)

You can find a full list of all the video lessons by clicking on the List of Lessons tab on the Main Menu.

Although we will be focusing more on Spanish words, pay attention to the Spanish pronunciation in the present video lesson, and remember to practice repeating the same words and sounds.

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  1. Uds lo llaman una ola?? enserio?? yo pense que se llamo ’tilde’, y que todos me entienden cuando les dije que mi teclado no me deja escribir el tilde. Osea la ola.


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