Study Spanish 28: The weather in Spanish (Videos 1 & 2)


The weather in Spanish


This lesson about the weather in Spanish is basically a class of Spanish vocabulary and sentences. So, it’s a mixture of Spanish grammar and vocab.

Each one of the sentences displayed below, and taught the video-lesson below, includes common words that we have to know when speaking of the weather in Spanish

I insist on sentence building, because this is essential for you to get to feel comfortable with Spanish. I always try to introduce easy and simple phrases. Perhaps not too easy that they don’t present any challenge. But not too difficult either that you will feel at a loss.

Sentences regarding the weather in Spanish


  • ¿Cómo está el tiempo (hoy)? – How is the weather today?
  • Está soleado. – It is sunny.
  • Está nublado. Creo que va a llover. – It is cloudy. I think that it is going to rain.
  • El cielo está celeste y sin nubes. – The sky is baby-blue and without clouds.
  • Está nevando. – It is snowing.
  • Creo que pronto va a nevar. – I think that soon it is going to snow.
  • Hay mucho viento. – There is plenty of wind.
  • Está ventoso. – It is windy.
  • Hay mucha humedad. – There is plenty of humidity.
  • Está muy húmedo. – It is very damp / humid.
  • El clima está muy seco. – The weather is very dry.
  • Pronto va a haber (una) tormenta. – Soon there is going to be (a) storm.
  • Pronto habrá (una) tormenta. – Soon there will be (a) storm.
  • Llueve mucho. – It rains a lot
  • Está garuando / Está lloviznando. – It is drizzling


I recommend all my students that follow my online courses to do the exams that I upload to my website. The topic of this lesson (the weather in Spanish) is included in Spanish Quiz Nbr. 5 (lessons 27 – 34).

You can find a full list of all the video lessons by clicking on the List of Lessons tab on the Main Menu.

To enlarge the video-screen to full-size, click on the right icon on the lower right corner of the video.


    • Hi Allan. Nice to see you again here 🙂 You were one of the first students to engage in my online tests in 2015. I haven’t abandoned the course. But recently I moved to Argentina in a long process that included several homes and trips. I haven’t published a new Spanish lesson since last month. But I hope this week I will.


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