Compilation: Spanish online lessons 1 – 5


Spanish online lessons 1 – 5: 2 hs. video

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Realizing that our Spanish online lessons are scattered among so many different videos, I thought I would be easier to have some compilations of lessons. So, this one will be the first of a series of compiled videos. Here we will begin by learning the Spanish alphabet and it’s pronunciation; some Spanish phonetics; some basic vocabulary and simple useful phrases, and then we’ll also focus on some Spanish grammar: We will learn which are the most important Spanish verbs.

This video contains the following Spanish online lessons:

  • Lesson 1: The Spanish alphabet and it’s pronunciation
  • Lesson 2: Spanish subject pronouns and the four main Spanish verbs: SER ESTAR HABER TENER – (Videos 1 & 2)
  • Lesson 3: Spanish phonetics (all videos 1 through 5)
  • Lesson 4: The two most important Spanish verbs: verb SER and verb ESTAR (Videos 1 & 2)
  • Lesson 5: Basic Spanish vocabulary and essencial phrases (Videos 1 & 2)

Don’t forget to comment or ask if you have any questions. I try not to leave any questions or doubts unanswered.

Also, I recommend all my students that follow my online courses to do the exams that I upload to my website. The topics of this lesson (Spanish online lessons 1 – 5) are included in Spanish Quiz Nbr. 1 (lessons 1 – 5).

You can find a full list of all the video lessons by clicking on the List of Lessons tab on the Main Menu.

To enlarge the video-screen to full-screen size, click on the icon on the lower right corner of the video.

You can download the Notes from Spanish lessons 1 – 5 by clicking here.

Good luck!


  1. Olla Señor Rodrigo.
    Yo stoy nuevo aqui en to canal. Yo quiero registrar a tu canal para prender spañol mas bien, Pero quando puse mi dirección de correo electrónico la sistema dice que ya tiene un registration con mi direccion de correo. Siendo yo soy primera vez aqui. Puede hacer algo con esta problema para que puede registrar a tu canal ? Te spera que to me comprende 🙈

  2. Hola Rodrigo!
    Thanks for your free Spanish lessons, i can now learn the language in the comfort of my own home and my pace. I am almost finish with lesson 4, It is amazing that i learned to conjugate a verb in less than a day, I hope you continue to upload free lessons. Also, I hope you visit my country Philippines for your next travel.

    • Hello Grace. Thanks for your kind feedback. I’m glad that you find my Spanish lessons helpful. Maybe at the end of the next year I will move to Asia. So I don’t be long until I visit your country.

    • How’s your learning? Did this course help you a lot? I just want to know ’cause I’m planning to learn Spanish. I’m from Philippines too!


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