Feelings in Spanish – Feelings and sensations: Lesson 290


Feelings in Spanish
How to express how you feel in Spanish


In the present video-lesson I will teach you how to express feelings in Spanish and other sensations, like cold, warm, hot, etc.

In English we mainly use the verbo TO BE to express feelings and sensations. However, in Spanish we use more the verb TENER, which actually means TO HAVE. So, for example, if we want to say “I am hungry”, we would say “tengo hambre”, which literally means “I have hunger”. There is, however, another way of expressing the same thing in Spanish using the verb ESTAR, which is an equivalent to the English verbo TO BE. Like this: “Estoy hambriento”. And this would literally mean “I am hungry”. But this way of speaking, although perfectly correct, is rarely used. Therefore it’s better for you to learn how to express feelings and sensations using the Spanish verb TENER (to have).


Sentences for expressing feelings in Spanish


  • Expresar sentimientos en español – Express feelings in Spanish
  • Cómo expresar (los) sentimientos en español – How to express feelings in Spanish
  • Cómo expresar sensaciones en español – How to express sensations in Spanish
  • ¿Cómo te sientes? – How do you feel?
  • ¿Cómo te estás sintiendo? – How are you feeling?
  • ¿Cómo estás? – How are you?
  • ¿Qué sientes?  – What do you feel?
  • ¿Qué estás sintiendo? – What are you feeling?
  • ¿Tienes frío / calor / sed / hambre? – Are you cold / hot / thirsty / hungry?
  • Tengo (mucho) frío – I feel (very) cold.
  • Tengo miedo – I’m afraid / scared
  • Estoy asustado – I am frightened
  • Tengo dolor de barriga – I have bellyache
  • Tengo dolor de cabeza – I have headache

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