How to conjugate verbs in Spanish – Lessons 138 – 147


How to conjugate verbs in Spanish

Lessons Nbr. 138 – 147
(Compilation Nbr. 14)



I have just uploaded another great compilation of Spanish online classes. I will keep you posted to let you know when I upload the Spanish Quiz Nbr. 14 that will include exercises matching all the present topics.

The Spanish lessons that are included in this video are part of a series of 22 lessons where I teach how to conjugate verbs in Spanish for 22 different Spanish tenses.

In order to make the text more clear and easier to remember, I decided at that time to do it in a presentation style. However, I’m afraid the lessons may be somewhat boring. I promise you that after this series is over, we will go back to our usual whiteboard-lessons.

The whole series of lessons on How to Conjugate Verbs in Spanish begins in lesson 130 and finishes in Lesson 151. You can find them all in the Index or List of Lessons on the Main Menu bar.

The present video contains the following Spanish lessons


  • Spanish lesson 138: Spanish Conditional Simple tense
  • Spanish lesson 139: Spanish Conditional Perfect
  • Spanish lesson 140: Spanish Present Perfect (Pretérito Perfecto del Modo Indicativo)
  • Spanish lesson 141: Spanish Past Perfect (Pret.Pluscuamperfecto del Indicativo)
  • Spanish lesson 142: Pret. Anterior del Indicativo (Spanish Past Perfect)
  • Spanish lesson 143: Spanish Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto del Indicativo)
  • Spanish lesson 144: Spanish Past Simple Continuous
  • Spanish lesson 145: Spanish Future Continuous
  • Spanish lesson 146: Spanish Subjunctive Present (Presente del Subjuntivo)
  • Spanish lesson 147: Spanish Subjunctive Past (Pret. Imperfecto del Subjuntivo)


Remember that you can find a full list of all the Spanish lessons by clicking on the List of Lessons tab on the Main Menu. You can study Spanish lessons in order, or jump to the topic you are looking for.

To enlarge the video-screen to full-size, click on the right icon on the lower right corner of the video.


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