Lesson 22: Spanish Prepositions (Videos 1 & 2)


Spanish Prepositions – Spanish grammar with examples


One of the few first grammar lessons we get when we start learning a new language is about the prepositions.

There are usually lots of prepositions, and of different kind. So, lets begin with a few of the most used Spanish prepositions. These few words are so basic and essential that you’d rather learn them sooner than later.

These are the Spanish prepositions we will work with in today’s video-lesson:


  • con – with
  • sin – without
  • por – by/for
  • para – for
  • de – of
  • a – to

Case-study examples of Spanish prepositions


  • Estoy con ella – I am with her.
  • Estoy sin ella – I am without her.
  • Lo hago por ellos – I do it for them.
  • Esto es para ti – This is for you.
  • Este libro es de historia – This book is of history (this is a book of history).
  • Iré a Madrid – I will go to Madrid.
  • Tendré cuidado con el perro – I will be careful with (of) the dog.
  • Estoy sin dinero – I am without money.
  • Por este motivo debo volver a casa – For this reason I have to go/come back home.
  • ¿Para quién es esto? – Who is this for?
  • Esa casa es (la) de Rafael – That house is Rafael’s (the one of Rafael).
  • ¿A quién le importa? – To whom does it matter?


Although we will be focusing more on vocabulary and grammar, pay attention to the Spanish pronunciation in these video lessons, and remember to practice repeating the same words and sounds.


Don’t forget to comment or ask if you have any questions. I try not to leave any questions or doubts unanswered.

Also, I recommend all my students that follow my online courses to do the exams that I upload to my website. The topic of this lesson (Spanish prepositions) is included in Spanish Quiz Nbr. 4 (lessons 20 – 26).

You can find a full list of all the video lessons by clicking on the List of Lessons tab on the Main Menu.

To enlarge the video-screen to full-screen size, click on the icon on the lower right corner of the video.



    • Hi Roy,

      You are right! “Debo” means “should”. But another way of expressing the same idea is “tengo que” (I have to). So, “DEBO” means “should”, but it also means “have to” (tener que), which is the same thing.

  1. Hello,
    I recently discovered your video lessons, I don’t have any questions “yet” but give me time and I will.
    I scour the internet for anything that will help me learn your beautiful language, this definetly helps.
    Thank you so much for your videos.


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