Notes in Spanish for Lessons 47–61 (from my YouTube lessons)


Notes in Spanish for Lessons 47–61


These Notes in Spanish have been taken by Darrell Claeys from Lessons 47 – 61.

Thanks to him these notes are now available to everybody. If you want to download the file to print or to save to your computer, click here.

Click here to find the video that includes Spanish lessons 47 – 61.


Notes in Spanish – LECCIÓN 47 (LESSON 47)


ADJETIVOS Y OPUESTOS – ENG: Ajectives and Opposites.
Bueno – El auto de Juan es bueno.
ENG: Good – The car of Juan’s is good.

Malo – Pero el de Carlos es muy malo.
ENG: Bad – But the car of carlos is very bad.

Lindo – Esa casa es muy linda
ENG: That house is very beautiful.

Feo – Pero aquella otra es fea.
ENG: But that other one is ugly.

Grande – Éste es un perro grande.
ENG: This one is a big dog.

Chico – El gato más chico come.
ENG: The smaller cat eats.

Frío – Hoy no salgo porque está frío.
ENG: Today I don’t go out because it is cold.

Caliente – Este té está demasiado caliente.
ENG: This tea is too hot.

Rico – Ella vive en un barrio rico.
ENG: She lives in a rich neighborhood.

Pobre – Antes vivía en uno pobre. ( past tense )
ENG: Before lived in a poor one.

Claro – Ahora el cielo está claro.
ENG: Now the sky is light.

Oscuro – En un rato va a estar oscuro.
ENG: In a while it is going to be dark.

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ADJETIVOS Y OPUESTOS – ENG: Ajectives and Opposites.

Limpio ENG: Clean
Sucio ENG: Dirty
Dulce ENG: sweet
Amargo ENG: Bitter
Ruidoso ENG: noisy
Silencioso ENG: quiet/silent
Sano ENG: intact / healthy
Roto ENG: broken
Lastimado ENG: hurt
Enfermo ENG: sick
Seco ENG: dry
Mojado ENG: wet
Vivo ENG: alive
Muerto ENG: dead
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ADJETIVOS Y OPUESTOS – ENG: Adjectives and Opposites.

Limpio – Mi ropa está limpia.
ENG: My clothes are clean.

Sucio – Pero su ropa está sucia.
ENG: but his clothes are dirty.

Dulce – El azúcar es dulce.
ENG: Sugar is sweet.

Amargo – El café es amargo.
ENG: Cofee is bitter.

Ruidso – La fiesta era muy ruidosa. ( past tense )
ENG: The party was very noisy.

Silencioso – La biblioteca es silenciosa.
ENG: The library is quiet.

Sano – La silla está sana, pero la mesa está rota.
ENG: the chair is intact, but the table is broken.

Este hombre está sano, pero aquel otho está lastimado.
ENG: The man is healthy, but that other is hurt.

Seco – El plato está seco.
ENG: The plate is dry.

Mojado – Pero el vaso está mojado.
ENG: But the glass is wet.

Vivo – Este árbol está vivo.
ENG: This tree is alive.

Muerto – Pero aquella planta está muerta.
ENG: but that plant is dead.

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Positional words – ENG: Positional words in Spanish

Sobre ENG: on
Debajo ENG: under
En ENG: in
Al lado ENG: beside
Encima ENG: above
Entre ENG: between
En frente / enfrente ENG: in front
Delante (de) ENG: ahead ( of )
Detrás ( de ) ENG: behind
Alrededor ENG: around
Antes ENG: before
Después ENG: after
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Positional words – ENG: Positional words in Spanish

Sobre – El libro está sobre la mesa.
ENG: The book is on the table.

Debajo – El perro está debajo de la mesa.
ENG: The dog is under the table.

En – Papá está en la oficina.
ENG: Dad is in the office.

Al Lado – El libro está al lado del teléfono.
ENG: the book is beside the telephone.

Encima – La televisión está encima de la mesa.
ENG: The television is above the table.

Entre – La farmacia está entre el banco y el restorán.
ENG: the drugstore is between the bank and the restaurant.

Entre – El boligrafo está entre los lápices
ENG: The pen is among the pencils.

Enfrente – Jorge vive enfrente de/a lo de Juan.
ENG: Jorge lives in front of Juan’s.

Delante (De) – Él está delante de mí.
ENG: He is ahead of me.

Detrás (de) – Ella está detrás de mí.
ENG: She is behind of me.

Alrededor – Hay muchas personas alrededor.
ENG: There are many persons around.

Antes – Los comerciales vienen antes de la película.
ENG: The advertisemnts come beore the film.

Después – Los créditos venen después (de la película)
ENG: the credits come after (the film).
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– ENG: Spanish conjunctive words

Y ENG: and
o ENG: or
Entonces ENG: then
Que ENG: that ( qué = what )
Sino ENG: but, rather
sin embargo ENG: however
porque ENG: because ( por qué = why? )
como ENG: since ( Also: I eat. Cómo = how? )
aunque ENG: although
ni ENG: neither, nor

“Y” might change to “E”: Piñas e higos.
ENG: Pineapples and figs.

“O” might change to “U”: Jirafas u osos.
ENG: Giraffes or bears.
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– ENG: Spanish Conjunctive words

Y / e – ENG: and

Esto y aquello. Uvas e higos.
ENG: This and that. Grapes and figs.

o / u – ENG: or

Con o sin. Leones u osos.
ENG: With or without. Lions or bears

Entonces – ENG: Then

Si es muy caro, entonces, no lo compres.
ENG: If it is very expensive, then do not buy it.

Que – ENG: that

Él dijo que no va a venir. ( dijo: past tense )
ENG: He said that he will not come.

Sino – ENG: But, rather

No me gusta el rojo, sino el azul.
ENG: I do not like red, rather blue.

Sin embargo – ENG: However

No me gusta el té; sin enbargo, éste me gusta.
ENG: I do not like tea; however, this one I do (like).

Porque – ENG: because

Lo tiré porque estaba roto. ( past tense )
ENG: I threw it away, because it was broken.

Como – ENG: since

Como estaba roto, lo tiré. ( past tense )
ENG: Since it was broken, I threw it away.

Aungue – ENG: although

Aunque estaba roto, lo guardé.
ENG: Although it was broken, I kept it.

Ni – ENG: neither, nor
no quiero (ni) té ni café.
ENG: I do not want (neither) tea nor coffee.
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– ENG: Future tense using aux verb ‘ir’ + ‘a’ + verb in infinitive.
VERB ‘IR’ – Present Tense.
Yo voy ENG: I go
Tú vas ENG: You go ( informal )
Usted va ENG: you go ( formal )
Él/ella va ENG: he/she goes
Nosotoros/as vamos ENG: we go
Vosotros/as vaís ENG: you all go ( spain )
Ustedes van ENG: you all go
Ellos/ellas van ENG: they go

Yo voy a comer. ENG: I am going to eat.
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– ENG: Future tense using aux verb ‘ir’ + ‘a’ + verb in infinitive.

VERB ‘IR’ – Present Tense.
Subject + verb ‘ir’ + ‘a’ + ‘verb in infinitive’

(Yo) voy a ir a trabajar.
ENG: I am going to go to work.

(Tú) vas a comer carne.
ENG: You am going to eat meat.

(Él) va a regresar a casa.
ENG: He is going to return home.

(Nosotros) vamos a mirar televisión (TV)
ENG: We are going to watch tv.

(Ustedes) vana cenar.
ENG: You all are going to have dinner.

(Ellos) van a venir después.
ENG: They are going to come later.

Mañana va a ser sábado.
ENG: Tomorrow (it) is going to be Saturday.
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Usted – ENG: Formal Subject pronoun “you” (always conjugates like 3rd person singular)

Verb “ser” ( to be) in present tense.

yo soy = ENG: I am
tú eres = ENG: you are (informal and friendly)
usted es = ENG: you are (formal)
el/ella es = ENG: he/she is
nosotros/nosotras somos = ENG: we are
vosotros/vosotras soís = ENG: you all are ( Spain only )
ustedes son = ENG: you all are ( Latin-America )
ellos/ellas son = ENG: they are

(Usted) es el padre de Juan.
ENG: You are the father of Juan (You are Juan’s father).

¿(Usted) es el padre de Juan?
ENG: Are you the father of Juan? (Are you Juan’s father?)

¿(Usted) vendrá mañana?
ENG: You will come tomorrow? (Will you come tomorrow?)

¡Tome ( usted )!
ENG: Take!
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Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns.
Unstressed Possessive Adjectives.
Mi/mis ENG: my ( singular/ Plural )
Tu/tus ENG: your ( singular/plural )
Su/sus ENG: Your (formal) & his/her/its
Nuestro/Nuestra/Nuestros/Nuestras ENG: our ( Masc. Sing, Etc.)
Vuestro/Vuestra/Vuestros/Vuestras ENG: You all your Plural
Su/Sus ENG: Their ( singular/plural )


Mi mesa es grande. ENG: My table is big.
Tus ojos son negros. ENG: Your eyes are black.
Su cabello es rubio. ENG: Your hair is blond.
Nuestros padres son jóvenes. ENG: Our parents are young.
Vuestras madres son amigas (entre sí). ENG: Your mothers are friends (to each other).
Sus hábitos son extraños. ENG: His/her/its/your formal/their habits are strange.

Tú = You
Tu = your
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ENG: Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns.
Stressed Possessive Adjectives. Go after the noun
Mío, Mía, Míos, Mías ENG: Mine (Masc.Sing, Fem.Sing, Masc.Pl, Fem.Pl.)
Tuyo, Tuya, Tuyos, Tuyas ENG: Yours (informal and friendly)
Suyo, Suya, Suyos, Suyas. ENG: yours (formal)/ his/ hers / yours Plural (Latin-America) / theirs
Nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras ENG: Ours
Vuestro, Vuestra, Vuestros, Vuestras ENG: Yours Plural (Spain)
Suyo, Suya, Suyos, Suyas ENG: Theirs


La camisa es mía. ENG The shirt is mine.

Un amigo mío va a venir mañana.
ENG: A friend of mine is going to come tomorrow.

Las medias tuyas son las que están allá.
ENG: The socks of yours are the ones that are there.

La hermana suya es la que llegó de Madrid.
ENG: The sister of yours (formal)/his/hers/theirs/yours-Plural (Latin-America) is the one that arrived from Madrid.

Las cosas nuestras son las que están por todas partes.
ENG: The things of ours are the ones that are all around.

Los boletos vuestros son los que se perdieron.
ENG: The tickets of yours are the ones that got lost.

La casa suya es la de la luz encendida.
ENG: The house of yours (formal)/his/hers/theirs/yours-Plural (Latin-America) is the one with the light on.
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ENG: Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns.
Mío, Mía, Míos, Mías ENG: Mine (Masc.Sing, Fem.Sing, Masc.Pl, Fem.Pl.)
Tuyo, Tuya, Tuyos, Tuyas ENG: Yours (informal and friendly)
Suyo, Suya, Suyos, Suyas. ENG: yours (formal)/ his/ hers / yours Plural (Latin-America) / theirs
Nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras ENG: Ours
Vuestro, Vuestra, Vuestros, Vuestras ENG: Yours Plural (Spain)
Suyo, Suya, Suyos, Suyas ENG: Theirs
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    • Hi Michael. Last Thursday I sent you your USER/PASSWORD by email, and the steps to access the exams. Have you tried with those credentials and you are still having problems go LOGIN? Could give me more information? After you try to Login with the user and psw I sent you, what happens?


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