Notes in Spanish for Lessons 62–74 (from my YouTube lessons)


Notes in Spanish for Lessons 62–74


These Notes in Spanish have been taken by Darrell Claeys from Lessons 62 – 74.

Thanks to him these notes are now available to everybody. If you want to download the file to print or to save to your computer, click here.

Click here to find the video that includes Spanish lessons 47 – 61.

Notes in Spanish – LECCIÓN 62 ( LESSON 62 )

ENG: Possissive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns.

Possessive pronouns.
Mío, Mía, Míos, Mías ENG: Mine
Tuyo, Tuya, Tuyos, Tuyas ENG: Yours
Suyo, Suya, Suyos, Suyas. ENG: yours formal/ his/ hers / its
Nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras ENG: Ours
Vuestro, Vuestra, Vuestros, Vuestras ENG: Yours Plural (Spain)
Suyo, Suya, Suyos, Suyas ENG: Yours Plural (Latin-America)
Suyo, Suya, Suyos, Suyas ENG: Theirs
El mío es el mejor. ENG: Mine is the best.
Los tuyos son verdes. ENG: Yours are green.
Mi pantalón es azul y el tuyo es negro. ENG: My pants are blue and yours are black.
El nuestro el el auto más rápido. ENG: Ours is the fastest.
Nuestras clases comienzan hoy. Las vuestras, mañana. ENG: Our classes begin today. Yours, tomorrow.
Los suyos son los zapatos más lindos. ENG: Theirs are the most beautiful shoes.
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Notes in Spanish – LECCIÓN 63 ( LESSON 63 )


ENG: HUGE numbers: typical confusion between English and Spanish.
1,000,000 – One million Un millón
1,000,000,000 One billion Mil millones
10,000,000,000 Ten billion Diez mil millones
100,000,000,000 One hundred billion Cien billones
1,000,000,000,000 One trillion Un billón
1,000,000,000,000,000,000 One quintillion? Un trillón
Numerical notation.
ENG: 1,000.00 SPAN: 1.000,00

ENG: 2,530,350.30 SPAN: 2.530.350,30
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Notes in Spanish – LECCIÓN 64 ( LESSON 64 )


ENG: Spanish preposition “de” – indicates who’s is something.
de = of
Éste es el libro de Jorge. ENG: This is Jorge’s book.
Éste es su libro. ENG: Ths is his book.
El pelo del gato es gris. ENG: The hair of the cat is gray.
Su pelo es gris. ENG: Its hair is gray.
La paredes de la casa son blancas. ENG: The walls of the house are white.
Sus paredes son blancas. ENG: Its walls are white.
Este auto es de él. ENG: This car is his (lit.: of him).
Este auto es suyo. ENG: This car is his.
Éste es el auto del ella. ENG: This one is her (lit.: of her) car.
Éste es el auto suyo. ENG: This one is her car.
La torta de chocolate. ENG: The chocolate cake.
La casa de madera. ENG: The house of wood.
El señor de Londres. ENG: The man/guy from London.
El niño de enfrente. ENG: The boy from right in front.
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Notes in Spanish – LECCIÓN 65 ( LESSON 65 )


ENG: Spanish Phonetics and Pronunciation.
Rí-o ENG: River
Re-ír ENG: to laugh
A-rroz ENG: rice
Ar-mar ENG: to assemble
Ca-ren-cia ENG: lack of something
A-jo ENG: Garlic
Gi-ra-sol ENG: sunflower
fe-rro-ca-rril ENG: railway
Es-te-ban ENG: Steven
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Notes in Spanish – LECCIÓN 66 ( LESSON 66 )


ENG: Helpful Spanish Phrases.

¿Cuál es su nombre? ENG: What is your (formal) name?
¿Cómo se llama? ENG: How are you (formal) called?
Mi nombre es Juan. ENG: My name is Juan.
Me llamo Juan. ENG: I am called Juan.
¿Dónde está el museo? ENG: Where is the museum?
¿Dónde está el baño? ENG: Where is the toliet/bathroom?
Está allí/allá. ENG: It is there.
Siga tres cuadras y doble a la derecha. ENG: Go on three blocks and turn to the right.
Camine dos cuadras y doble a la izquierda. ENG: Walk two blocks and turn to the left.
¿Cuánto cuesta? ENG: How much does it cost.
Cuesta mil pesos. ENG: It costs 1000 pesos.
¡Es demasiado caro! ENG: It’s too expensive!
¡Qué barato! ENG: How cheap!
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Notes in Spanish – LECCIÓN 67 ( LESSON 67 )


LAS PARTES DEL CUERPO ENG: The parts of the body.
La cabeza ENG: head
El pelo/cabello ENG: hair
La frente ENG: forhead
El/los ojo(s) ENG: eye(s)
La/las oreja(s) ENG: ear(s)
La nariz ENG: nose
La boca ENG: mouth
El/los labio(s) ENG: lip(s)
El/los diente(s) ENG: tooth/ teeth
La lengua ENG: tongue
La mandíbula ENG: jaw
La/las mejilla(s) ENG: cheek(s) (Spain and part of Latin-America)
El/los cachete(s) ENG: cheek(s) (Part of Latin-America)
El mentón ENG: chin (Spain and part of Latin-America)
La pera ENG: chin (Part of Latin-America)
El cuello/pescuezo ENG: neck

La pera is also pear (the fruit).
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Notes in Spanish – LECCIÓN 68 ( LESSON 68 )


LOS NOMBRES DE LAS PARTES DEL CUERPO ENG: The names of the parts of the body.
El/Los hombro(s) ENG: shoulder(s)
La espalda ENG: the back
El pecho ENG: chest/breast
El abdomen ENG: the abdomen
La cintura ENG: the waist
El/los brazo(s) ENG: the arm(s)
la/las mano(s) ENG: the hand(s)
EL/los dedo(s) ENG: the finger(s)/ toes
La/las pierna(s) ENG: the legs
la/las rodilla(s) ENG: the knees
El/los pie(s) ENG: the feet
La/Las uña(s) ENG: The nails.

Mano is feminine.
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Notes in Spanish – LECCIÓN 69 ( LESSON 69 )


Countable and UN-Countable
Pocas cosas ENG: few things
Pocos amigos ENG: few friends
Pocas personas ENG: few persons
Pocos hojas ENG: few leaves (also sheets of something)
Pocos árboles ENG: few trees
Pocos vasos de agua ENG: few glasses of water
Pocos platos ENG: few plates/dishes
Pocas prendas ENG: few garments

Poco sol ENG: little sun
Poca educación ENG: little education
Poca gente ENG: little people
Poco frío ENG: little cold
Poca lluvia ENG: little rain
Poca agua ENG: little water
Poca comida ENG: little food
Poca ropa ENG: little clothes

Agua is feminine, but say “el agua” to avoid double ‘a’ sound.
Hoja is also sheet of paper.
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Notes in Spanish – LECCIÓN 70 ( LESSON 70 )


Countable and UN-Countable
Hoy tengo mucho calor. ENG: Today I feel very hot.
(Juan) tiene muchos amigos. ENG: Juan has many friends.
Ella tiene mucha plata. ENG: She has plenty of money.
Ese árbol tiene muchas hojas. ENG: That tree has many leaves.
Hoy corrí muy poco. ENG: Today I ran very little.
Anoche vinieron pocos amigos. ENG: Last night came few friends.
Traje poca ropa. ENG: I brought few clothes.
Traje pocas prendas. ENG: I brought few garments.
VERBO Tener = ENG: to have.
Plata = ENG: silver, but also money; as well as “dinero”.
VERBO Traer = ENG: to bring.
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Notes in Spanish – LECCIÓN 71 ( LESSON 71 )


Conjugating verb “ser” ( ENG: to be )

Presente ENG: present tense

Yo soy ENG: I am
Tú eres ENG: You are ( informal )
Usted es ENG: You are ( formal )
Él/Ella es ENG: He/She is
Nosotros/as somos ENG: We are
Vosotros/as sois ENG: You all are ( Spain )
Ustedes son ENG: You all are (Latin-America)
Ellos/ellas son ENG: they are


Yo fui ENG: I was
Tú fuiste ENG: You were ( informal )
Usted fue ENG: You were( formal )
Él/ella fue ENG: He/She was
Nosotros/as fuimos ENG: We were
Vosotros/as fuisteis ENG: You all were ( Spain )
Ustedes fueron ENG: You all were (Latin-America)
Ellos/ellas fueron ENG: they were
FUTURO 1 (Futuro Progresivo) ENG: Future 1 or Progressive Future ( with voy )

Yo voy a ser ENG: I am going to be
Tú vas a ser ENG: You are going to be ( informal )
Usted va a ser ENG: You are going to be ( formal )
Él/ella va a ser ENG: He/she is going to be
Nosotros/as vamos a ser ENG: We are going to be
Vosotros/as vais a ser ENG: You all are going to be ( Spain )
Ustedes van a ser ENG: You all are going to be (Latin-America)
Ellos/ellas van a ser ENG: They are going to be
FUTURO 2 (Futuro Siimple) ENG: Future tense 2 (Simple Future)

Yo seré ENG: I will be
Tú serás ENG: You will be ( informal )
Usted será ENG: You will be ( formal )
Él/ella será ENG: He/She will be
Nosotros/as seremos ENG: We will be
Vosotros/as seréis ENG: You all will be ( Spain )
Ustedes serán ENG: You all will be (Latin-America)
Ellos/ellas serán ENG: they will be
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Notes in Spanish – LECCIÓN 72 ( LESSON 72 )


Sentences using verb “Ser” in past, present and future tense.

(Yo) soy Rodrigo. ENG: I am Rodrigo.
Juan va a ser padre. ENG: Juan will become a father.
Él fue mi alumno. ENG: He was my student.
(Tú) eres mi amigo. ENG: You are my friend.
Ellos fueron profesores. ENG: They were teachers.
You fui atleta. ENG: I was an athlete.
Fueron ellos. ENG: It was them.
Fui yo. ENG: it was me.
Fue ella. ENG: it was her.
(Tú) serás un gran actor. ENG: You will be a great actor.
Vosotros tres seréis grandes comediantes. ENG: The three of you will be great comedians.
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Notes in Spanish – LECCIÓN 73 ( LESSON 73 )


Conjugación del verbo “estar” ENG: to be
Presente ENG: present tense

Yo estoy ENG: I am
Tú estás ENG: You are ( informal )
Usted está ENG: You are ( formal )
Él/ella está ENG: He/she is
Nosotros/as estamos ENG: We are
Vosotros/as estáis ENG: You all are ( Spain )
Ustedes están ENG: You all are (Latin-America)
Ellos/ellas están ENG: they are


Yo estuve ENG: I was
Tú estuviste ENG: You were ( informal )
Usted estuvo ENG: You were( formal )
Él/ella estuvo ENG: He/She was
Nosotros/as estuvimos ENG: We were
Vosotros/as estuvisteis ENG: You all were ( Spain )
Ustedes estuvieron ENG: You all were ( Latin-America )
Ellos/ellas estuvieron ENG: they were
FUTURO 1 / Futuro Progresivo ENG: Future 1 / Future Progressive ( with voy )

Yo voy a estar ENG: I am going to be
Tú vas a estar ENG: You are going to be ( informal )
Usted va a estar ENG: You are going to be ( formal )
Él/ella va a estar ENG: He/she is going to be
Nosotros/as vamos a estar ENG: We are going to be
Vosotros/as vais a estar ENG: You all are going to be( Spain )
Ustedes van a estar ENG: You all are going to be ( Latin-America )
Ellos/ellas van a estar ENG: They are going to be
FUTURO 2 / Futuro Simple ENG: Future 2 / Simple Future

Yo estaré ENG: I will
Tú estarás ENG: You will ( informal )
Usted estará ENG: You will ( formal )
Él/ella estará ENG: He/She will
Nosotros/as estaremos ENG: We will
Vosotros/as estaréis ENG: You all will ( Spain )
Ustedes estarán ENG: You all will ( Latin-America )
Ellos/ellas estarán ENG: They will be
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Notes in Spanish – LECCIÓN 74 ( LESSON 74 )


Conjugación del verbo “estar” ENG: to be
Ellos están juntos. ENG: They are together.
Vamos a estar bien. / Estaremos bien. ENG: We will be fine. ( future tense )
Él estuvo aquí ayer ( simple past tense ). ENG: He was here yesterday.
Tú y él estaréis con Juan ( Spain ). ENG: You and him will be with Juan. ( Simple Future )
Tú y él vais a estar con Juan ( Spain ). ENG: You and him are going to be with Juan. ( Future Progressive )
Tú y él estarán con Juan ( Latin-America ). ENG: you and him will be with Juan. ( Simple Future )
Tú y él van a estar con Juan ( Latin-America ). ENG: You a him are going to be with Juan. ( Future Progressive )
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