Study Spanish lessons 102 – 115 (Compilation #11)


Study Spanish lessons Nbr. 102 – 115
(Compilation Nbr. 11)


In the present series you will study Spanish vocabulary, Spanish conjugations, Spanish common expressions, Spanish vocabulary, grammar, greetings, and much more.

I have put a lot of effort, good-will and enthusiasm in this program, and I’m certain that if you follow this course from the beginning, apply yourself and do all the Spanish Tests after finishing each series, you will finish with a pretty good level.

As for conversational Spanish, it’s very important that you practice. You have to train your conversation skills, and your hearing. In relation to this, I recommend my students to take a look at Lesson 218 – Tips for learning Spanish – Videos 1 & 2
 After you have finished these Spanish lessons I recommend you take Spanish Quiz Nbr. 11.

This video contains the following Spanish lessons:


  • Lesson 102: How to conjugate verbs in Spanish – Past Present Future Imperative (Verb VIVIR to live)
  • Lesson 103: Study Spanish expressions – “como loco”
  • Lesson 104: Study Spanish modal verbs TENGO QUE (I have to)
  • Lesson 105: Spanish vocab – Medios de transporte (Means of transportation in Spanish)
  • Lesson 106: Study Spanish phrases using Means of transportation
  • Lesson 107: Names of animals in Spanish Part 1
  • Lesson 108: Spanish animals Part 2
  • Lesson 109: Sentences in Spanish using Names of Animals
  • Lesson 110: Study Spanish greetings
  • Lesson 111: Common phrases in Spanish – A mí me gusta (I like)
  • Lesson 112: Study Spanish sentences using “A mí me gusta” (I like)
  • Lesson 113: Names of fruits in Spanish
  • Lesson 114: Names of vegetables in Spanish
  • Lesson 115: Names of food in Spanish

Remember that you can find a full list of all the Spanish lessons by clicking on the List of Lessons tab on the Main Menu. You can study Spanish lessons in order, or jump to the topic you are looking for.

To enlarge the video-screen to full-size, click on the right icon on the lower right corner of the video.


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