Spanish Quiz Nbr. 1 – Lessons 1 – 5


This quiz includes exercises from all the topics covered in our lessons 1 – 5 (or Compilation 1):

You don’t need to register and login to do the test. Simply scroll-down and you will find the test. But if you do, you will receive a copy of the result and correction in your email. This could prove useful for future reference.

If you already registered and want to login, simply click on the LOGIN link, and enter your user/password.

If you still don’t have an account, but would like to register, please follow the following steps:

  1. Click on the link that says REGISTER.
  2. In the Registration window that will load, enter the your e-mail address and USER ID that you choose. Then click SUBMIT.
  3. After a few seconds you should receive an e-mail your inbox. If it contains the new password (assigned by the system), then go ahead and either follow the steps to change it or LOGIN.
  4. If you don’t find the e-mail in your Inbox, please check in your SPAM or Junk box. It may happen that the e-mail is filtered into those folders.
  5. If in the e-mail, instead of receiving the PSW, you received a link, go to that link and setup your own password. Then go back to the Spanish Quiz page and LOGIN.

Total amount of points: 55.

Please enter your email:

1. Select the correct option:

Which sentence means “I am fine/well“.


2. Choose the correct answer:

Which sentence corresponds to “You are Carlos“?


3. Choose all the correct answers:

Which sentence/s means “You (pl.) are in trouble” .


4. Select all the correct answers:

Which words have the hard/rough/rolling sound of the “R“?


5. Select all the right answers:

Which words have a mute “U” (“u” isn’t pronounced)?


6. Select all the correct answers:

Mark all the words where letter “y” is pronounced the same as the Spanish “i“.


7. Write down “please” using only lower-case letters.

8. Using the formal “you”, which is the sentence that means “How are you?”


9. Using only lower-case letters write down “good evening / good night” in Spanish

10. Select all the small dialogs that have some segment that doesn’t make sense:


Spanish Quiz Nbr. 1 - Lessons 1 - 5 1 


  1. Hello, I just wanted to say that you are an excellent teacher! Thank you so much for all your hard work. I decided to start learning Spanish after my trip to Cuba (I am a law student in the United States and this trip was part of my specialization). I am fluent in Estonian (my native tongue) and English (my second language), so I hope to be fluent in Spanish soon, as well. Thank you again for posting these videos and quizzes!

  2. each time when I try to take a test, it is very difficult to log in. the pass word is so long , I have difficult to reset the password. use the existing one, have to copy it for avoiding any mistake. but only give me test 1-5, i am trying to get in test 25-34, not able to get it. any suggestion to make it easier for me to log in?

    • Hi Shar. You are right! Unfortunately the password that is automatically assigned by default is very complicated. Often I have to change it for students, although each student can also change his own password online. But I have just reset your password and emailed it to you. Please try it to access the Spanish quiz you want to do, and let me know if anything goes wrong.
      Kind regards

      • I just tried the new password, it works much easier. I will keep using this password until something happens again. Thank you so very much for your help. Very grateful for your classes and tests. through the tests I know I have to be very very careful with every detail. Many times, even with my magnified eyeglasses, still the little scratch was invisible to me. .. But the mistakes are also good for learning . I am grateful to know I do not know so so much… keep following your teaching, practice, practice..that is only way.. thank you. great day.

        • Thanks for your kind feedback, Shar. Don’t hesitate to write if you have any questions. Also, little by little I am uploading the notes that correspond to the Spanish lessons. I think I already have the notes for lessons 1 through 46. If you need them, you can find them in the Index page (List of Lessons).

  3. hola rodrigo, me llamo mack y tengo (been) studying yours courses for a few weeks now ive learned mucho from it, although i do have some issues. my major problemo is learning how to structure sentences, and also understanding when “que” mean WHAT, THAT, AND TO. and when i try to speak it i have think about it andmy mines goes blank. do yo have any tips for me to start learning how to speak it more and let it flow with out me having to think about it? my goal is to be able to have a conversation in spanish by this time next year do you think i can do it?

    • Hi Mack. Sorry for the late reply. I had just returned from a long trip, and was trying to catch-up with old messages.

      I saw you did well in the Spanish Quiz Nbr. 1. I hope you are still learning.

      In Spanish the 2 types of WHAT are differentiated with the accent (tilde). Many people don’t use the tilde, because they don’t know the rules. But one is “qué” and the other one is “que”.

      qué = what (interrogative)
      que = that; also “what” (non-interrogative)

      For example:

      ¿Qué quieres? – What do you want?
      Dime qué quieres! – Tell me what you want.
      Le dije que iría – I told him/her that I would go.
      Me gustó lo que dijiste – I like what you said.

      As for “to”, I think it doesn’t have anything to do with “qué” or “que”. Where are you confused?

      Let me recommend you to watch my Spanish lesson Nbr. 218. There I mention a few tips that I think are good for learning in an effective way. You wont find any magic or miraculous tips; but it may still be of service to you.


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