Spanish Quiz Nbr. 1 – Lessons 1 – 5


This quiz includes exercises from all the topics covered in our lessons 1 – 5 (or Compilation 1):

You don’t need to register and login to do the test. Simply scroll-down and you will find the test. But if you do, you will receive a copy of the result and correction in your email. This could prove useful for future reference.

If you already registered and want to login, simply click on the LOGIN link, and enter your user/password.

If you still don’t have an account, but would like to register, please follow the following steps:

  1. Click on the link that says REGISTER.
  2. In the Registration window that will load, enter the your e-mail address and USER ID that you choose. Then click SUBMIT.
  3. After a few seconds you should receive an e-mail your inbox. If it contains the new password (assigned by the system), then go ahead and either follow the steps to change it or LOGIN.
  4. If you don’t find the e-mail in your Inbox, please check in your SPAM or Junk box. It may happen that the e-mail is filtered into those folders.
  5. If in the e-mail, instead of receiving the PSW, you received a link, go to that link and setup your own password. Then go back to the Spanish Quiz page and LOGIN.

Total amount of points: 55.

Please enter your email:

1. Select the correct option:

Which sentence means “I am fine/well“.


2. Choose the correct answer:

Which sentence corresponds to “You are Carlos“?


3. Choose all the correct answers:

Which sentence/s means “You (pl.) are in trouble” .


4. Select all the correct answers:

Which words have the hard/rough/rolling sound of the “R“?


5. Select all the right answers:

Which words have a mute “U” (“u” isn’t pronounced)?


6. Select all the correct answers:

Mark all the words where letter “y” is pronounced the same as the Spanish “i“.


7. Write down “please” using only lower-case letters.

8. Using the formal “you”, which is the sentence that means “How are you?”


9. Using only lower-case letters write down “good evening / good night” in Spanish

10. Select all the small dialogs that have some segment that doesn’t make sense:


Spanish Quiz Nbr. 1 - Lessons 1 - 5 1 


  1. i’ve gotten 58 but i dunno out of what so if you please can you tell me
    your videos are so perfect i love sooo much and i’m arabic person 🙂 thx a lot
    Best Regards

    • Hello Anamin. Thanks for your feedback, and welcome to my Spanish quizzes 🙂 The total points for Spanish Quiz Nbr. 1 is 55. On the same page of each test it says the number of questions and the total points. Also, on the same page (and email) of the correction you will see your points. I just checked out your two results for Spanish test Nbr. 1 and it show me 39/55 and 33/55.

  2. Hola Rodrigo

    I am walking the Camino Frances to Santiago commencing at the end of the month, and find your videos perfect for my way of learning. I watch the video and absorb it, then later watch it again and take notes. I’ve just discovered your quizzes, and these too are excellent and really help absorb my learning. A small correction to assist you: in your notes to Quiz 1, Answer (3), you’ve written Ellos, but I think you mean Ustedes. Anyway, thanks so much for these lessons. Best wishes, Ian .

    • Hello Ian. I’ve been thinking of doing the Camino de Santiago for some years. I also plan to do the 960 km way from France. But since I move a lot, maybe it’s better to do it next time I’m living in Europe. I hope you really enjoy the experience! Did you plan for a month?
      I will check out the question from Spanish Quiz Nbr. 1 that you mentioned. Thanks

      • I’ve allowed six weeks between flights, so there’s no need to rush along the Camino – and I should have plenty of time to work on my Spanish.

    • Hello Mike. I just tried logging into Spanish Quiz 1 with your user/psw and it worked. Your user is the same as your email. Are you using the psw that I emailed you last Sunday? If you are trying to log-in with your email address and the correct password, and you are not being able to, please send me more details regarding where you are clicking, and what error you get. So I can help you more :-)

  3. I am a little confused as to why the answers for ten are correct or incorrect. Is there somewhere that is discussed?

    • In the Spanish quiz Nbr. 1 question Nbr. 10 is multiple choice. That means that you select all the ones that are correct. And you will get point for every correct option that you check, and you will be discounted points for every wrong option that you check. Which ones are incorrect? Those that don’t make sense in one way or another. For example:

      – How old are you?
      – I’m 13, and the weather is blue.

      This would be an example of a wrong answer, that you shouldn’t check.

  4. Thank You for this =))) I got 37 out of 55. I got 4 mistakes. Gracias!
    Probably I could say that I am learning. Yey Thank You Lord Amen.


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