Spanish Review


Spanish review: Lessons 8, 14, 16 and 19

Hi! Today, instead of adding a new video, I want to post a brief Spanish review of some previous lessons, so you can read them and refresh what we have learned before. This will be necessary to follow our next lessons in a better way, since we need to be on the same page regarding the base that we have already acquired.

Este, esta, estos, estasThis (masc. Sgl), This (fem. Sgl.), These (masc. Pl), These (fem. Pl.)

Éste, ésta, éstos, éstas – This one (masc. Sgl), This one (fem. Sgl.), These (masc. Pl), These (fem. Pl.)

Ese/Aquel, Esa/Aquella, Esos/Aquellos, Esas/Aquellas – That one (masc. Sgl), That one (fem. Sgl.), Those (masc. Pl), Those (fem. Pl.)

Ése/Aquél, Ésa/Aquélla, Ésos/Aquéllos, Ésas/Aquéllas – That (masc. Sgl), That (fem. Sgl.), Those (masc. Pl), Those (fem. Pl.)

Spanish verbs can be classified in 3 categories, and there each one has it’s rule for conjugating:

– Verbs that end in -AR

– Verbs that end in -ER

– Verbs that end in -IR

¿Qué hora es?What’s the time?

Son las tres – It is three o’clock.

Son las tres en punto – It is three o’clock (sharp).

Son las tres menos diez – It is ten to three.

Son las tres y diez – It is ten past three.

Son las tres y media – It is half past three.

Son las tres y cuarto – It is quarter past three.

Son las tres menos cuarto – It is quarter to three

Son las tres menos veinticinco – It is twenti-five to three.

Son las tres y treinta y cinco – It is thirty-five past three.


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