315: Spanish superlatives Spanish comparatives Spanish diminutives


Spanish Reflexive Pronouns


In the present video I will teach you how to use Spanish superlatives, comparatives and diminutives. I will give you several examples for you to understand how to use each one.  It’s not difficult.

Basically, for Spanish comparatives you simply add “más” (more) or “menos” (less) before the adjective.

For Spanish superlatives you simply add “el más” (the most) or “el menos” (the least) before the adjective.

And for Spanish diminutives you usually add the suffix “ito” for masculine nouns, or “ita” for feminine nouns.

For example:

  • Mi auto es más rápido que el de Juan (My car is faster than Juan’s)
  • El auto de Juan es más lento que el mío (Juan’s car is slower than mine)
  • El auto de Juan es menos rápido que el mío (Juan’s car is less fast than mine)
  • Pero el de Carlos es el más rápido (But Carlos’ is the fastest)
  • Pero el de Carlos es el menos lento (But Carlos’ is the least slower one)
  • pajarito = birdy
  • perrito = doggy
  • autito = little car
  • casita = little house
  • hombrecito = little man
  • mesita = little table

You will understand this more clearly in the video-lesson.

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    • Hi Michael. I think you were one of the several Spanish students that has asked me for some more exercises to practice. I just to let you know that I recently created a new section for Spanish Listening Comprehension exercises. I hope you find it useful!
      Have a nice weekend!


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