Spanish Quiz Nbr. 3 – Lessons 13 – 19

This quiz includes exercises from all topics covered in lessons 13 – 19 (or Compilation Nbr. 3).

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Total amount of points: 60.

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1. Please translate the following sentence into Spanish (use the right punctuation mark at the end of the sentence, and only use upper-case when necessary):

That gentleman has an apple (manzana).

2. In the previous exercise we used an indefinite article for “apple”. Please rewrite that sentence in Spanish using a definite article this time:

3. Please rewrite the following sentence in Spanish:

These boys want those things (cosas).

4. Please translate the following sentence into Spanish:

This woman has five books.

5. Please translate the following sentence into Spanish:

This Summer is hot.

6. Please translate the following sentence into Spanish:

We are in October.

7. Please translate the following question into Spanish:

Right now it is raining.

8. Please rewrite the following sentence in Spanish:

This Spring it is cloudy
The Spanish noun for Spring is feminine.
The Spanish noun for weather (clima) is masculine.

9. Please rewrite the following sentence in Spanish (write down the number with letters; don’t use figures):

Today is Wednesday, 3rd of January.

10. Please rewrite the following sentence in Spanish:

We drink coffee (café) and they eat cake (torta).

11. When going to the market, how would you ask?

How much does this (esto) cost?

12. As a reply to the previous question, translate:

It costs 15 pesos (write the number in letters).


  1. On question 8. I need some help. The Ser vs. Estar thing again. Wouldn’t this spring being cloudy, be a transitory or temporary thing? Thus being estar.
    On question 10. I don’t completely understand when to use nosotros, ellos, tu, yo, etc when the verb implies it. When does it become redundant?
    I am really enjoying learning Spanish through your courses. I started out just wanting to be able to communicate a basic level when I go down to Mexico annually. Now I am finding the language to be fascinating. Plus your test questions are tough and they really help me to learn. Thanks Joe

    • Hi Joe. I’m just looking at your Spanish test nbr. 3. As for your concern regarding question Nbr. 8, there are some linguistic nuances that may turn this into a more confusing topic. And I believe I didn’t choose the most appropriate sentence for question 8. So, I will proceed to rephrase the answer a little bit:

      Esta primavera está nublado – I will use nublado (ending in “o”) regardless of Primavera being feminine, because what is “cloudy” is not the Spring, but the weather, which is implicit in the sentence. The weather (el clima) is masculine.

      As you can see, Spanish sentences may explicitly omit subjects that can be implicitly suggested. Therefore, sometimes a sentence can have slight variations, depending on the “implicit” subject. If I say “esta primavera es nublada”, nublada refers to the Sprinng. And I chose to use SER because I am talking of the Spring as something more permanent. As if saying that the whole Spring will be cloudy all around. But I apologize for having chosen this sentence that turns a simple thing into something complicated. So, I will change it.

      10) In Spanish we usually prefer to omit the subject pronoun unless it provides any additional relevant information. In the case of question Nbr. 10 se have 2 phrases in 1 sentece:

      1 – Nosotros bebemos café
      2 – Ellos comen torta

      The sentence becomes much more clear if we specify the subject pronouns NOSOTROS ELLOS. This emphasis in the subject adds weight to the sentence. If we simply said “bebemos café y comen torta” it would be gramaticaly correct. But it would sound so weak. Nosotros bebemos café y ellos comen torta has the strenght of a statement.

      Kind regards,


  2. 34 out of 60…I made stupid mistakes!! If i had submitted the answers straight away, then I would have had an excellent score but I went through them and messed about. For some strange reason I put an á on the end of esta, when translating this. I didn´t do that originally but did it carelessly when i was actually checking my answers before submitting! I also forgot to put estamos, a line I have revised a hundred times 🙁
    It was a bit harsh for marking me down for putting a comma in between the date on question 9 though, but they are the rules I guess! One thing Rodrigo, I don’t know why question 2 was marked wrong? Any idea?
    Thanks for this, but I am soooooo annoyed with myself!!! On another day I would have done much better 🙂

    • Hi David. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You are doing a good job. I just took a look at your last Spanish Test Nbr. 3. Your answer to question Nbr. 2 is perfect. There is no error there; and if the quiz marked it wrong, that was a bad processing of your answer. But you got that one right.

      All the best, David. I’ll be here if you have any questions.


  3. I get a lot of the answer marked as incorrect because I do not use the accents, tildes etc. I am in USA and I do not know how to do the accents on the computer when typing. I can do it if i write! Can you from now on put the correct answers for us Americans who have a regular standard keyboard for USA as part of the correct answers? Just asking!! thanks

    • Hi Germain. As for the Spanish test, I understand it is annoying to have to deal with characters that are not the ones you deal with daily in your own language and keyboard. But this is relatively common when learning many foreign languages. As with German, A and Ä, O and Ö and U and Ü are different characters. Same thing happens with a word that has or omits the Spanish “tilde”; it is considered a typo. That is why I don’t think I should modify the Quizzes to ignore the “tildes”. But these, after all, are for personal reference. You shouldn’t feel bitter if you know that you have to have a “tilde” and you just don’t type it on purpose. There is no repeating a year because of the results of these tests 😀

      • thanks for replying! The problem is not that I don’t put the tilde, I can’t. I tried to make my computer also to be able to type in Spanish but it wouldn’t work for me, so if I had to to write it on paper, I would get it right but on my keyboard I can’t make it work to do Spanish charactrs. So that is my issue. I hope this better explain my situation. Gracias senor….

        • I see, Germain. However, I cannot change the test for one student only. If I change that, it will affect everybody. Thus, making the grammar-lessons about “tildes” senseless.
          Look, I have had a similar issue with some German characters (like eszet), and others. I mentions German, because I also speak German. So, I sometimes just copy-paste the special character that I need to use. I know it’s a waste of time, but it can be a workaround to your concern about getting it right in the Spanish Test. For example, you copy any of these special characters: á é í ó ú and you paste them wherever you need them. As I said, I have done it myself for some special characters (including hash, which is not easy to find in my keyboard, and is quite used in English).

  4. i did terribly!!! i gotta definitely work on: this those that these!

    my latin friend, said he would have understood everything i said, but i want to say it properly

    #3, why is it esas and not esos..?
    it said boys so i am guessing it should be esos… and not esas

    We are in October.
    Nosotros estamos en octubre… isn’t this correct as well?

    The correct answer is:
    Estamos en octubre.

    • I tell the same thing to many students. Even if you make many mistakes, the main thing is that you can communicate your ideas. If you can speak well, even better still!

      Regarding Spanish Test Nbr. 3:

      3) “Esas” and not “esos” because it refers to “cosas” (things), which is a feminine noun.

      6) “Nosotros estamos en octubre” is grammatically perfect. But in Spanish the pronoun is redundant in this case, because the subject is already implicit in the verb. We don’t use “Nosotros estamos en octubre”. This redundancy is used sometimes for emphasis; but sounds awkward in natural talk. However, I will include it as a possible answer in Spanish Test Nbr. 3 and give it 4 points instead of five.


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