Spanish is today the 2nd most spoken language by number of native speakers
I was browsing the web and then came across some interesting information that I wanted to share with you. There is no need to reading a long text. Rather, it’s just a chart that displays the most spoken languages by number of native speakers. I hope you can find it motivating to continue learning. Spanish is today the 2nd most spoken language in the world by number of native speakers (after Mandarin). And please don’t get me wrong: I am not saying that it beats English in any way (and I don’t expect it will ever). English is the most spoken 2nd tongue in the world, and deservedly the world’s lingua franca, thanks to it’s simple grammar, rich vocabulary, greco-latin alphabet, and flexibility. And still, Spanish is such a rich and beautiful language that attracts each time more people to learn it all around the world. Also, it’s similitud with Portuguese makes it even more appealing and useful (over 200 million people speak Portuguese in Brazil alone).
I’ll share the link below:
And now I’ll get ready to go hiking around the Brazilian mountains/hills. Good luck!