Subjunctive Spanish conjugation – Spanish lessons 148 – 154


Subjunctive Spanish conjugation

Lessons Nbr. 148 – 154
(Compilation Nbr. 15)



In the present Spanish lessons compilation #15 we will finish learning Spanish conjugation tenses. Especially, you will learn the Spanish subjunctive mode (what I call here the Subjunctive Spanish conjugation).

However, this 2 hour-long video is a continuation and conclusion of our last-week video. Click here to watch our previous video-lessons on Spanish conjugation tenses.

Overall Spanish has 4 different subjunctive tenses, or tenses of the subjunctive mood:


1) Presente del Modo Subjuntivo


Ex: No creo que Juan coma toda la comida hoy (I don’t think that Juan will eat his food today).

2) Pretérito Imperfecto del Modo Subjuntivo


Ex: No creo que Juan comiera/comiese toda la comida ayer (I don’t think that Juan ate his food yesterday).


3) Pretérito Perfecto del Modo Subjuntivo


Ex: No creo que Juan haya comido la comida aún (I don’t think that Juan has eaten his food yet).


4) Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto del Modo Subjuntivo


Ex: Juan habría comida la comida si ésta hubiera/hubiese estado servida (Juan would have eaten the food if it had been served).


In the video that you will find below I will explain better, and I will present some more examples of the Subjunctive in Spanish.


The present video contains the following Spanish lessons


  • Lesson 148: Subjunctive Spanish conjugation – Future
  • Lesson 149: Subjunctive Spanish conjugation – Present Perfect
  • Lesson 150: Subjunctive Spanish conjugation – Past Perfect
  • Lesson 151: Subjunctive Spanish conjugation – Future Perfect
  • Lesson 152: Spanish Alphabet: Words that begin with A
  • Lesson 153: Spanish conjugation: AMAR (to love)
  • Lesson 154: Spanish irregular verbs: ANDAR (to go/to walk)


Remember that you can find a full list of all the Spanish lessons by clicking on the List of Lessons tab on the Main Menu. You can study Spanish lessons in order, or jump to the topic you are looking for.

To enlarge the video-screen to full-size, click on the right icon on the lower right corner of the video.


  1. Yo quisiera que las lecciones fueron traducidas al español, la verdad es que lecciones en ingles es difícil interpretar ya que soy
    principiante en el aprendizaje del ingles

    • Hola José. Lo que pasa es que te has metido en el curso equivocado. Este video pertenece al curso de castellano para angloparlantes. Si tú eres un hispanohablante y deseas aprender inglés, necesitas entar al curso de ingles para hispanohablantes. Vuelve a entrar a mi página y en el Menú principal que se encuentra arriba haz clic sobre la pestaña que dice “Curso de Ingles”. Allí encontrarás el índice de clases publicadas a la fecha. Y en la pestaña “Pruebas de Ingles” podrás encontrarás las pruebas de inglés que corresponden a cada una de las series de clases del curso. Saludos.


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