Best way to learn Spanish: lessons 35 – 46


The best way to learn Spanish: 2 hs. video – Lesosn 35 – 46


Our Spanish course has grown into a collection of almost 300 video-lessons (so far), and it’s still far from over. So, I thought that the best way to learn Spanish would be to have some fewer videos. Each one containing a series of several lessons. This is why I’m compiling lessons into 2-hours videos that are easier to follow.

Today I just uploaded this one containing 12 lessons. Unfortunately I cannot make any video more than 2 hours long. But probably more than 2 hours-long would be too much.

12 lessons is a lot of information! This is, so far, the most lessons we have put together in one single video.  You can find all the topics below to see what subjects are covered in this series of online classes.

This video contains the following lessons:

  • Lesson 035: Simple Dialog in Spanish
  • Lesson 036: Spanish Comparative and Superlative
  • Lesson 037: Cont. Spanish Comparative and Superlative
  • Lesson 038: Spanish Abstract Superlative
  • Lesson 039: Sentences and examples using Spanish Comparative and Superlative
  • Lesson 040: Cuándo y Cuando – When and When
  • Lesson 041: Spanish Verb HACER
  • Lesson 042: Examples using Spanish verb HACER
  • Lesson 043: Review of Spanish Possessive Pronouns
  • Lesson 044: Las cuatro estaciones – The four seasons in Spanish
  • Lesson 045: Spanish Adjectives – Sets of opposites
  • Lesson 046: Cont. Spanish Adjectives – Sets of opposites

Don’t forget to comment or ask if you have any questions. I try not to leave any questions or doubts unanswered.

Also, I recommend all my students that follow my online courses to do the exams that I upload to my website. The topics of this lesson (the best way to learn Spanish: lessons 35 – 46) are included in Spanish Quiz Nbr. 6 (lessons 35 – 46).

You can find a full list of all the video lessons by clicking on the List of Lessons tab on the Main Menu.

To enlarge the video-screen to full-screen size, click on the icon on the lower right corner of the video.


  1. hola profesor yo quiero prende ingles urgente por que voy viajar canada mi esposo de canada pero el me habla ingles pero no tiene paciencia y quiero que usted me ayude por favor

    • Hola Marianela. En este sitio web podrás encontrar varios recursos gratuitos para estudiar. Los recursos ofrecidos aquí son:

      1) Las video-clases
      2) Las Pruebas de Ingles
      3) Las preguntas o consultas que puedes realizar. Siempre trato de aclarar las dudas de los estudiantes

      Aquí encontrarás el índice con todas las clases y los temas:

      Y aquí tienes las Pruebas de Inglés:

      Creé este sitio con el propósito de ofrecer recursos gratuitos para todos los que deseen estudiar. Por eso no promociono ninguna clase ni recurso pago. Pero si lo que estás buscando y necesitando son clases particulares, puedes enviarme un mensaje. Sinó, confío que con los recursos disponibles en este sitio podrás aprender bastante si te dedicas e intentas practicar para ejercitar lo que vayas aprendiendo.


    • Hi Sharie,

      You can go the “List of Lessons” tab. There you will find an index containing links to all the lessons. I suggest you begin with the first link (Lessons 1 – 17).

      Then, by clicking on the “Spanish Quizzes” tab, you will be able to access the test and quizzes to practice and make sure how ready you are to move on to the next series of lessons.

      Good luck!


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