Lesson 14: Spanish pronouns This That These Those (Vid.1&2)


Spanish pronouns This That These Those


This topic is usually taught in level 1, whatever language it is that you are learning.

To learn how to use the Spanish pronouns THIS THAT THESE THOSE properly, we need to use the Spanish “tildes”. However, lets leave the rules of “tildes” for later on. It’s enough for now to memorize when we use ESTE, ESTA, ESE, ESA, AQUEL, AQUELLA, ESTOS, ESTAS, ESOS, ESAS, AQUELLOS, AQUELLAS with a Spanish “tilde” and when not.

Take a look:

  • este / esta: this (masc. / fem)
  • ese / esa: that (masc. /fem)
  • aquel / aquella: that (masc. / fem)
  • estos / estas: these (masc. / fem)
  • esos / esas: those (masc. / fem)
  • aquellos / aquellas: those (masc. / fem)
  • éste / ésta: this one (masc. / fem)
  • ése / ésa: that one (masc. / fem)
  • aquél / aquélla: that one (masc. / fem)
  • éstos / éstas: these (masc. / fem)
  • ésos / ésas: those (masc. / fem)
  • aquéllos / aquéllas: those (masc. / fem)

As you can observe, the first six do not have the Spanish “tilde”, while the last six do.

The rule can be simplified like this:

  • When they ARE followed by the noun, they DON’T carry the Spanish “tilde”.
  • When they are NOT followed by the noun, then they DO carry the Spanish “tilde”.

In the two videos below I will talk about these Spanish pronouns, and I will give you several examples of usage. Watch this video-lesson (videos 1 & 2) and listen to the pronunciation and few tips that I will mention.

Also, I recommend all my students that follow my online courses to do the exams that I upload to my website. The topic of this lesson (Spanish pronouns) is included in Spanish Quiz Nbr. 3 (lessons 13 – 19).


You can find a full list of all the video lessons by clicking on the List of Lessons tab on the Main Menu.

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    • Hi Ann,

      The words “aquel” and “aquella” carry a tilde when they totally replace the noun; and they don’t carry the tilde when they just accompany it.

      For example:
      Yo quiero aquél (I want that one).
      Yo quiero aquel auto (I want that car).

      However, the word “aquello” never carries a tilde. Sometimes people add a tilde to “aquello”, but that is wrong. Spanish has a total of 4 rules that determine when and where to use a tilde. The tilde for “aquel-aquella/aquél-aquélla” corresponds to the 4th rule (the one that determines tildes to differentiate different uses/meanings for the same word). The word “aquello” doesn’t belong to any of them.

      Best regards,



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