Spanish words that start with Ñ: Spanish lesson 260
Spanish words that start with Ñ
Spanish words can be tough to learn if we intend to learn a huge list all at once. However, if we...
Subjunctive Spanish conjugation – Spanish lessons 148 – 154
Subjunctive Spanish conjugation
Lessons Nbr. 148 - 154
(Compilation Nbr. 15)
In the present Spanish lessons compilation #15 we will finish learning Spanish conjugation tenses. Especially, you...
Spanish prepositions – Lesson 302: The Spanish preposition EN
Spanish prepositions: The Spanish preposition EN
"En" is one of the most used and helpful Spanish prepositions that you should learn how to use ....
How to conjugate verbs in Spanish – Lessons 138 – 147
How to conjugate verbs in Spanish
Lessons Nbr. 138 - 147
(Compilation Nbr. 14)
I have just uploaded another great compilation of Spanish online classes. I will keep...
Spanish lesson 301: HAY in Spanish (There is-There are)
The verb HAY in Spanish
HAY in Spanish is a very unique form or conjugation of the Spanish verb HABER. The Spanish verb HABER is...
Spanish online classes 126 – 137: Take the Quiz today!
Spanish online classes Nbr. 126 - 137
(Compilation Nbr. 13)
I have just uploaded another great compilation of Spanish online classes. I will keep you posted to let...
Spanish language lessons 116 – 125 (Compilation #12)
Spanish language lessons Nbr. 116 - 125
(Compilation Nbr. 12)
I have just uploaded another great Spanish language lessons compilation. This one is another 2 hours...
Spanish lessons 300: Spelling in Spanish
Lets practice spelling in Spanish
Did it ever happen to you that after learning a lot of grammar and vocabulary you then realize you can't...
Study Spanish lessons 102 – 115 (Compilation #11)
Study Spanish lessons Nbr. 102 - 115
(Compilation Nbr. 11)
In the present series you will study Spanish vocabulary, Spanish conjugations, Spanish common expressions, Spanish vocabulary,...
Learn Spanish 299: 4th Rule of Spanish accents
Spanish accents - Rule Nbr. 4
The use of Spanish accents is explained very thoroughly through these 4 rules:
1) "tildes" for words that are "agudas", "graves...